
This service creates one or more Forecasts and associated Opportunity if it does not exist.

Web Service Version(s)

  • V2.0

Input Parameters

This service requires the following request parameter(s):

Input Parameter Description Required/Optional Business Rules V2.0 Web Service Schema
The information required to create the forecast. Required (Multiple Occurrences Allowed) See below for business rules. GrantsForecastSynopsis_V1.0
OpportunityID Opportunity ID Optional Must provide either OpportunityID or CreateOpportunity GrantsCommonElements: OpportunityID
CreateOpportunity If the Opportunity does not exist (Opportunity ID is not specificed), Create Opportunity. Optional Must provide either OpportunityID or CreateOpportunity GrantsOpportunity: CreateOpportunity

Return Values

This service returns a collection of objects containing the following details:

Return Value Comment / Example Required/Optional V2.0 Web Service Schema
CompletionStatus Success, Partial, Fail Required GrantsCommonElements: CompletionStatus
ErrorDetails   Optional GrantsCommonElements: ErrorDetails
CreateForecastResult   Optional (May have multiple occurrences) GrantsCommonElements
Success True, False Required  
  Optional GrantsCommonElements

Business Rules

The following are the business rules for this service:

  • Agency Code must match Agency associated with the certificate (or any of its Sub-Agencies if certificate has Manage Agencies role)
  • Opportunity Number must be unique across all Agencies
  • Opportunity can only have one Forecast
  • Opportunity Category Explanation is required if Opportunity Category is ‘Other'
  • Opportunity Category Explanation must be blank when Opportunity Category is not ‘Other'
  • Opportunity CFDA(s) must be active in
  • Opportunity CFDA(s) must be unique for the Opportunity
  • Fiscal Year must be within a 10 year range starting with current fiscal year minus 2 and ending with current fiscal year plus 7
  • Certificate must have Manage Forecasts role
  • Forecast cannot be created/updated if the Opportunity has a Synopsis in Posted status
  • Forecast Post Date cannot be in the past
  • If a Synopsis exists, Forecast cannot have a future Post Date
  • Opportunity ID must belong to Agency associated with the certificate (or any of its Sub-Agencies if certificate has Manage Agencies role)
  • Forecast Dates must be in following Order if not blank (equal is fine):
    ·Forecast Post Date
    ·Estimated Synopsis Post Date
    ·Estimated Application Due Date
    ·Estimated Award Date
    ·Estimated Project Start Date
  • Forecast Archive Date must be later than Forecast Post Date
  • If Synopsis has future Post Date, Forecast Archive Date cannot be provided (Forecast Archive Date will automatically be set to Synopsis Post Date minus one day)
  • Funding Activity Category Explanation is required if Funding Activity Category contains ‘Other'
  • Funding Activity Category(ies) must be unique for the Opportunity
  • Additional Information on Eligibility is required if Eligible Applicants contains ‘Other'
  • Eligible Applicant(s) must be unique for the Opportunity
  • Award Ceiling must be greater than or equal to Award Floor
  • Funding Instrument Type(s) must be unique for the Opportunity