
This service returns the submission XML as a string and a collection of attachment objects (if any) for a given Grants Gov Tracking Number. In V2.0, this web service supports large submissions.

Web Service Version(s)

  • V2.0

Input Parameters

This service requires the following request parameter(s):

Input Parameter Description Required / Optional Business Rules V2.0 Web Service Schema
GrantsGovTrackingNumber Tracking number assigned by when application was submitted Required Must be an existing Tracking number for your agency GrantsCommonElements: GrantsGovTrackingNumber

Return Values

This service returns a collection of objects containing the following details:

Return Value Comment / Example Required / Optional V2.0 Web Service Schema
Submitted Application Any submission XML Optional  
Attachment Attachments if any Optional (May have multiple occurrences) GrantsCommonElements: Attachment