Water Boards Data and Databases

Upcoming Events & What's New:

  • 2018 Water Board Data Fair

  • 3rd Annual Water Quality Health Indicator and Data Science Symposium - June 20-21, 2018

    The Water Boards' Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) is hosting the 3rd Annual Water Quality Health Indicator and Data Science Symposium, with the focus being on the theme Adapting in the Face of Disruptive Landscape Change. For more information, go to the event homepage.





Users can also search the site map, which catalogues the datasets referenced in all of the categories above on a single page.

In addition, a subset of the datasets maintained by the Water Boards can be found on the State of California's Open Data Portal under the 'Water' category. That platform provides web services that enhance data accessibility, and we plan to continue adding datasets to that platform in the future. Note that the datasets found on that site mirror some of the datasets provided through this Water Boards portal.

For questions regarding a specific database or dataset, please use the contact information provided for that program or database. For general questions regarding this data portal, or if you cannot locate the contact information for a specific database, please contact the Water Boards' Office of Information Management and Analysis (OIMA) at OIMA-Helpdesk@waterboards.ca.gov.