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Michael J. Logar

Michael Logar - Official PortraitMichael J. Logar is the Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator for FEMA’s National Continuity Programs (NCP) Directorate. NCP is comprised of more than 600 federal employees, and has an appropriated budget exceeding $120 million annually. In addition to his duties as Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator, Mr. Logar is the Director of the Continuity Support Division (CSD) for NCP. In this capacity, he leads a team of professionals that form the Office of the Administrator Emergency Support Team, Facilities Branch and Security Branch. Mr. Logar is also designated as FEMA’s Special Access Program Manager overseeing a classified portfolio.

Mr. Logar has served the federal government for over 28 years, having retired from a successful 27 year career as an U.S. Air Force Officer. He worked in numerous positions spanning flight operations as a KC-135 A/E/R/T tanker aircraft navigator, a Joint Special Operations Command planner, deployed commander and Headquarters Air Staff officer.

He began his career in continuity in 2012 as the Headquarters Air Force Continuity Director where he led the activities of an 11-person team in Continuity of Operations planning, crisis management, training, exercise development and personnel relocation for the Secretary of the Air Force and 500+  key personnel. Additionally, he managed and oversaw four locations and two geographically dispersed facilities valued over $24.6M.

Mr. Logar holds four master’s degrees, the FEMA Continuity Practitioner Level I certification and is pursuing his Federal Acquisition and Project Management certification. Mr. Logar is married to the former Shelly Wallace of McConnelsville, OH and has three children Ian, Connor and Ainsley. Hobbies include running, road cycling, photography and high-end audio equipment.

Last Updated: 
07/11/2018 - 11:58