Newborn Bloodspot Screening

New Jersey law requires that every baby born in New Jersey be screened for  disorders that can cause serious health problems. All babies born in New Jersey are required to be tested for fifty-five (55) disorders within 48 hours of birth. One heel prick provides enough blood to test for all fifty-five disorders.

Newborn bloodspot screening is a comprehensive program that includes laboratory testing, follow-up of results, and if necessary, examination and treatment by a qualified specialist. Early detection and treatment of the disorders on the newborn screening panel can prevent lifelong disabilities, including intellectual and developmental disabilities, and life threatening infections.

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Genetic Services

Genetic services available in New Jersey include direct clinical care services as well as activities such as screening programs and laboratory services, education activities and birth defects surveillance. The State of New Jersey partially funds a network of Genetic Centers that provide testing, diagnosis, and ongoing management and comprehensive care of genetic conditions. Physicians specially trained in medical genetics, along with genetic counselors, nurses, social workers and other medical specialists provide comprehensive care to patients with genetic concerns.

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Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI)

EHDI is a national public health initiative that supports screening and evaluating every newborn's hearing to detect hearing loss early on.  EHDI also supports early intervention enrollment for children diagnosed with hearing loss. 

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Public Notices and
Program Highlights

New Disorder Newborn Screening Project

New Disorder eLearning

Please click on the link below for more information on Newborn Bloodspot Screening. Insert your name and email address to view a video about prenatal education for expectant parents.

From ALD to Zika: Newborn Screening and Surveillance in New Jersey

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Last Reviewed: 9/24/2018