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VA Healthcare-VISN 4


Local Features

A nurse at a desk interacts with a nurse practitioner over the VA Video Connect application on the computer.Chat with a Nurse Practitioner via Video Connect
Veterans receiving health care at VA medical centers throughout VISN 4 have an opportunity to obtain some care with the ease of a video chat with a nurse practitioner in the VISN 4 centralized nurse triage call center.
An exterior directional sign for a hospital emergency department.Emergency Medical Care
You never know when you may need emergency medical care, so knowing what to do and where to go will benefit you. During a medical emergency, Veterans should immediately seek care at the nearest medical facility.
Close-up of a hand holding a cell phone and typing a text message.Receive Appointment Reminders via Text Messaging
VEText is an automated, interactive text message system to remind Veterans of upcoming VA appointments. Veterans can simply reply via text message to confirm or cancel your appointment.
Advertisement for the Hepatitis C screening camapaign on the back of a Port Authority bus.Free Hepatitis C Screening
VA Pittsburgh's "I Am Free of Hepatitis C" campaign is up and running! Veterans in the 13-county service area who are enrolled for VA health care can call 412-360-1232 directly for hepatitis C screening.
A cigarette ripped in half on top of a calendar with the words 'Quit today'Make a Plan to Quit Smoking
The American Cancer Society's 41st annual Great American Smokeout calls on smokers to make a plan to quit or light their last cigarette. VA offers several resources to assist every step of the way.
Telehealth Education Delivered mobile vanTelehealth Education Delivered (T.E.D.) Mobile Van
Telehealth Education Delivered (T.E.D.) is designed to showcase the many telehealth solutions available within the Department of Veterans Affairs. If your schedule allows, stop by your local medical center for a demo.
A physician consults with a veteran remotely from his office via telehealth equipment during a clinic visit.Care Close To (or at!) Home
Already recognized as a leader in the development and use of telemedicine, VA is expanding the use of telehealth services to meet the growing needs of our diverse patient population.
Registered nurses respond to phone calls in the triage call center.Nurse Triage Call Center
Veterans (or family members) can speak to a registered nurse at any time regarding health care concerns, or to report a symptom they are having, by calling their local VA medical center and pressing the number 3.
The Joint Service Color Guard presents the colors at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.Commemorating the Anniversary of the Vietnam War
The national Vietnam War commemoration is a long-overdue opportunity for all Americans to recognize, honor, and thank our Vietnam Veterans for their service and sacrifices during one of America's longest wars.
Exterior photo of Clarksburg VA Medical CenterMyVA Will Realign Clarksburg VAMC to VISN 5
As part of VA's MyVA initiative, VHA is realigning Veterans Integrated Service Networks to fit in the five VA-wide districts. VISN 5 will include all 4 West Virginia VA health care facilities, including Clarksburg VAMC.

From the Veterans Health Administration

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