Work at the FTC

FTC Ranks #1 in Employee Engagement in 2018
FTC Ranks #1 in the New Inclusion Quotient (IQ) Index in 2018

Work at the FTC

The FTC deals with issues that touch the economic life of every American. In broad sectors of the economy, we are the only federal agency with jurisdiction over both consumer protection and competition.

We pursue vigorous and effective law enforcement. We share our expertise with other federal and state agencies and legislatures, develop policy, and create research tools. We create practical and engaging plain-language educational programs for consumers and businesses to help them navigate a global marketplace full of ever-changing technology.

We provide unique opportunities

At the FTC, we cultivate innovation and excellence in all of our employees. There are numerous possibilities for professional development.

  • Our attorneys litigate their own cases and typically lead cases sooner than they would at a private firm.
  • Our economists are encouraged to pursue scholarly research.
  • Our investigators use an array of investigative tools and data collection methods to gather the evidence at the heart of our cases.
  • Our Honors Paralegals work in Washington, D.C. on a wide variety of projects while exploring their interest in future careers in law, business, or public service.
  • The FTC also hires professionals who work in a variety of mission support areas, including: legal counsel and public policy; Congressional relations; public relations; consumer and business education; building services; information technology; financial management; records management; and human capital management. All of our employees have the opportunity to make substantial contributions to the agency’s critical work of protecting consumers in an ever-changing marketplace.

You also can further your career as an economic research analyst, paralegal, or intern. Please check the application page for instructions.

The FTC is ranked as one of the top three federal agencies in terms of employee engagement. Listen to our Executive Director speak about what the FTC does to build and maintain strong employee engagement.


Kathy French

Kathy French

It takes creative thinking and a wide variety of skills—including non-legal ones—to carry out the FTC’s critical mission of protecting consumers. If you have a passion for what we do and a strong work ethic, you can move through the ranks of the agency as a non-attorney, just as I have.
Christopher Garmon

Chris Garmon

FTC economists get to chart their own paths and use their talents to best support the FTC’s mission of protecting competition.
Alexis Gilman

Alexis Gilman

In just my first eight months at the FTC, I was doing work that I had not had the opportunity to do in eight years at a firm.