
Historic Maps

Captain John Smith created the first detailed map of the Chesapeake Region. His masterpiece map of Virginia, published in 1612, remained in active use for seven decades and opened this part of North America to European exploration, settlement, and trade. The geographical accuracy is astounding given that Smith traveled about 2500 miles in a series of short expeditions and had only primitive mapmaking tools to work with.

Smith's map records not only the geographic features of the Chesapeake, but also its cultural aspects, including more than 200 Indian towns. Many of the place names remain in use today.

Together with his journals, Captain John Smith's map provides an unparalleled record of what the Chesapeake was like four centuries ago. Learn more about Captain John Smith's and other historic maps of the Chesapeake.

Trail Maps Today

The trail's brochure includes a map of the trail route along with points of interest, public water access sites, local water trails, and locations of the NOAA interpretive buoys marking the route. You can visit one of our many partner and tourism locations to pick up a printed copy or email us to have a brochure mailed to you.

Map of the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail
Audio file of brochure

Map of the Lower James River

Map of CAJO Route on Bay and Rivers
Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail basic trail map

Last updated: August 9, 2018

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Mailing Address:

410 Severn Avenue
Suite 314

Annapolis, MD 21403


(410) 260-2470

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