
Young boy holding basket of picked strawberries. (Copyright IStock)Farm to Institution programs give farmers and ranchers the opportunity to develop new markets and sell to local K-12 schools, hospitals, colleges, cafeterias or government agencies.

UEPI. Center for Food and Justice.

Highlights U.S. state farm-to-school programs; discusses related national policies; describes case studies, surveys and evaluation tools; and identifies funding opportunities.

ATTRA - A National Sustainable Agriculture Assistance Program.

A guide to information and resources that farmers, school administrators, food-service managers, and community members can use to start or expand a farm-to-institution venture. Updated in 2013, the guide covers models of Farm to Institution programs, program implementation and considerations, existing supportive policies, and more.

Washington State Department of Agriculture.

Provides farms, schools, families, and communities with resources designed to help them establish connections and learn about selling to schools and institutions.

USDA. Agricultural Marketing Service.

The USDA supports the development of farm-to-institution relationships. The interactive Compass Map shows "USDA and other federal investments in local and regional food systems since 2009, along with data such as farmers markets, food hubs, and meat processors."