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Summary Data Tables

Data collected through MEPS are used to generate tables with frequently used summary statistics. These tables are available here for both the Household Component and the Insurance Component.

Note: Data from HTML tables can be saved to Excel by highlighting (dragging cursor over text or selecting all/ctrl a), copying, and pasting the tables from the HTML/SHTML file to an Excel worksheet. For additional support with downloading files please visit: Notes on Viewing and Downloading Files.

Household Component Summary Tables

AHRQ has redesigned the MEPS Household Component summary tables New. The new interface will allow users to generate tables of frequently used summary estimates for the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population on household medical utilization and expenditures, demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, health insurance coverage, access to care and satisfaction with care, medical conditions, and prescribed medicine purchases.

The interactive platform makes it easier to navigate and create the customized tables according to users’ needs. Most tables can be stratified by demographic or socioeconomic characteristics. New features include the ability to view trends over time, automated plot generation, and R and SAS code to replicate the selected tables. Pages have been optimized for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

For specific feedback or requests for the new tables, email mepsprojectdirector@ahrq.hhs.gov.

Insurance Component Summary Tables

The Insurance Component summary tables provide estimates at the national, state, and metro area levels on employer-based health insurance: number and types of insurance plans, premiums, benefits, contributions by employers and employees, and employer characteristics. Update notes

Please note, in preparation for improvements in the data collection process, 2007 data for the Insurance Component was not collected.

MEPS employer-based health insurance tables are produced in the year following data collection. Private-sector tables are posted in July; government and civilian tables are posted in early Spring.

National-level tables: Private sector estimates by firm size, industry group, census regions and other characteristics; public sector data by state and local government types, government size, and census division; civilian estimates that incorporate both the private and state and local government sectors; national totals for enrollees and cost of health insurance coverage for both the private and public sectors.

State and metro area tables: State-level estimates for the private sector by firm size, industry groupings, ownership type, age of firm, employee characteristics, and average wage quartiles. Metropolitan area private sector estimates of premiums, employee contributions, enrollments, and take-up rates by firm size.

MEPS Insurance Component Chartbook 2017 (PDF, 15 MB) or HTML format: This chartbook provides both single-year and multiyear trend analyses using private-sector MEPS-IC data from 2004 to 2017. To best convey key information from the MEPS-IC, the report is presented in five sections: Health Insurance Offer Rates; Employee Eligibility and Enrollment; Health Insurance Premiums; Employee and Employer Premium Contributions; and Employee Cost Sharing. Each section provides charts and discussion with links to MEPS-IC data tables that contain the estimates and standard errors for each exhibit.

MEPS Insurance Component 2017 Presentation Slides or HTML format: Powerpoint slides with charts from the 2017 MEPS-Insurance Component Chartbook are available for use in presentations.

   Page last revised:  October 16, 2018