Consumer Protection

The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Section has moved Missouri toward a more fair, open, and honest marketplace since the adoption of Missouri's Merchandising Practices Act more than 45 years ago. The section seeks to ensure that everyone – businesses and consumers alike – has the opportunity to operate in a marketplace that is free of fraud, deception, misrepresentations, false promises, unfair practices, and unfair competition. The section also serves a vital role in enforcing Missouri’s antitrust, securities, telemarketing, nonprofit, charitable trust, and foundation laws.

In 2017, approximately 115,000 consumers filed complaints with the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Section. If you would like to file a complaint regarding fraud or deception, click or call 800-392-8222. The section has a team of advocates who mediate many of these complaints between the consumer and the business or seller. Each year they settle thousands of disputes through this informal process.

In addition to investigating unfair and deceptive business practices, the Attorney General has authority to initiate both civil and criminal prosecutions against wrongdoers. Our investigators receive and review complaints, assist in issuing pre-litigation subpoenas, assist in search warrant applications, and otherwise prepare for trials.

One area that the section focuses on is enforcing the Do Not Call and telemarketing laws. The Do-Not-Call list prevents telephone solicitations from nearly 200 telemarketers to over 4 million numbers. Enforcement actions continue against telemarketers who do not abide by the law though our No-Call unit. If you would like to sign up to be on the Do-Not-Call list click or call 866-662-2551. If you are already on the list and would like to file a complaint against unwanted telemarketing calls, click or call 866-BUZZ OFF (866-289-9633).

Frequently Asked Questions