• Regulations file folder

    PST Regulation Public Hearing January 22


  • Picture of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle

    OPS Regulates Retail Hydrogen Fueling

    Colorado is ready for fuel cell electric vehicles and hydrogen fueling stations to make their way here!

    Check our Retail Hydrogen Fueling page for more information.

  • picture of excavator and phrase "SB 18-167 creates underground damage prevention safety commission"

    Two Underground Damage Prevention Safety Commission Meetings Scheduled for January

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    OPS is on Facebook and Twitter!

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  • Apply for Compliance Incentives Now

    Compliance Incentives Now Available

    The revised Petroleum Storage Tank Regulations now allow for moneys in the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund to be used to provide incentives in the form of reduced deductibles for owners/operators who maintain significant operational compliance to perform tank system upgrades.
  • Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS)

    Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS)

    The Division of Oil and Public Safety regulates those who own or operate amusement rides and devices, commercial boilers, conveyances (elevators and escalators) and retail fueling facilities and those who are permitted to use high explosives.

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