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Education and Research Overview

Diploma (Copyright IStock)Farmers, researchers, instructors, parents and students can gain knowledge to nurture the seeds of sustainable agriculture through educational materials, internships, curricula, degree programs, on-farm research and other training opportunities.

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

A directory of U.S. institutions and organizations that offer undergraduate and graduate programs, research opportunities, or training in organic, alternative, or sustainable agriculture. Identifies student farms and research and demonstration farms.

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Identifies electronic databases from which SARE grant applicants and other researchers can locate answers to frequently asked questions about sustainable agriculture: Who else is working in my topic area? Has my project been attempted before? Are there related research efforts that I might link with? Where are the best places to look for in-progress and recent research?

USDA. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education.

Operates a competitive nationwide research and education grants program and conducts outreach to facilitate improved sustainable farming practices. Produces books, bulletins and other information products for farmers, ranchers and agricultural educators.

Organic Farming Research Foundation.

The Organic Farming Research Foundation measured the level of organic activity at Land Grant institutions based on research, education and outreach. Factors included degrees or certificates offered, certified organic land acreage, organic Extension resources, and organic/sustainable college farm operations

USDA. Agricultural Research Service.

Summarizes research on a broad range of agricultural subjects conducted by the USDA. Agricultural Research Service.