The Customer Service Center (CSC) is a unit within Rural Development, USDA, charged with servicing mortgage loans and grants extended to individuals in rural areas throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Pacific Trust Territories.  Beginning operation in October 1996, CSC has serviced as many as 650,000 government loans and grants originating with U.S. Treasury funds.

CSC’s mission is to be a cost effective service provider that strives to keep individuals and families in their homes through the use of various servicing tools including payment subsidies, moratoriums on payments, partial payment agreements and others.  Low and Very Low income families avail of this subsidized loan program through a network of field offices across the US, its territories and commonwealths.

In addition our mission is to assist rural America in developing sustainable communities which we accomplish by assisting lenders utilizing the agency’s Guaranteed Rural Housing program to increase their lending capacity by minimizing their loss potential in rural America.  All participating lenders provide their loss claim and proposed servicing packages to the CSC for review and disposition.  The GRH portfolio continues to grow with portfolio volumes approaching one million loans.  For families in rural America who are not prepared for homeownership, the Multi-Family Housing (MFH) Complexes offer subsidized apartments.  CSC manages the oversight of the rental assistance process and provides support services for participants in the MFH program nationwide.

For Borrower inquiries, contact CSC at 1-800-414-1226 or write to us at

USDA Rural Development
Customer Service Center
PO Box 66889
St. Louis, MO 63166