USDA LINC Training & Resource Library

7 CFR 3555  |  Electronic Status Reporting  |  Guaranteed Annual Fee  |  Guaranteed Underwriting System  |  Lender Loan Closing  |  Loss Claim Administration  |  Loan Origination  |  Loss Mitigation  |  Property Disposition  |  Security

The documents and material contained in the USDA LINC Training and Resource Library use Adobe PDF and Adobe Connect. To view PDF files you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.

7 CFR 3555


NEW: HB-1-3555 Chapter 9 Revision Overview (Webcast) 13 minutes


1. Become an Approved Lender (Webcast) 16 minutes

2. 7 CFR 3555 and HB-1-3555 Overview (Webcast) 23 minutes

3. Applicant Eligibility (Webcast) 17 minutes

4. Property Eligibility (Webcast) 14 minutes

5. Annual Income (Webcast) 18 minutes

6. Assets (Webcast) 18 minutes

7. Adjusted Annual Income (Webcast) 12 minutes

8. Repayment Income (Webcast) 24 minutes

9. Loan Terms (Webcast) 10 minutes

10. Upfront Guarantee Fee and Annual Fee (Webcast) 18 minutes

11. Loan Purposes and Restrictions (Webcast) 11 minutes

12. Refinance (Webcast) 18 minutes

13. Maximum Loan Amount (Webcast) 9 minutes

14. Credit Analysis (Webcast) 27 minutes

15. Ratio Analysis (Webcast) 24 minutes

16. Appraisals (Webcast) 13 minutes

17. Existing Dwelling Requirements and Escrow Repair Accounts (Webcast) 16 minutes

18. New Construction (Webcast) 10 minutes

19. Combination Construction and Permanent Loans "Single Close" (Webcast) 19 minutes

20. Special Properties: Condominiums and PUD's (Webcast) 7 minutes

21. Manufactured Homes (Webcast) 10 minutes

22. Site Requirements (Webcast) 13 minutes

23. Ownership Requirements (Webcast) 9 minutes

24. Environmental Requirements and Flood Insurance (Webcast) 14 minutes

25. Submit a Complete Loan Application (Webcast) 20 minutes

26. Conditional Commitment (Webcast) 16 minutes

27. Loan Note Guarantee and Indemnification (Webcast) 20 minutes

28. Mediation and Appeals (Webcast) 13 minutes

Documentation and Resources

  1. Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
  2. 3555 Handbook (PDF)
  3. 7 CFR 3555 (PDF)
  4. Form RD 3555-16: Agreement for Participation (PDF)
  5. HB-1-3555 Chapter 16 Revision Overview PDF

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Electronic Status Reporting (ESR)


     1.  Introduction to Electronic Status Reporting (ESR) (Webcast)  10 Minutes

     2.   ESR Web Reporting (Webcast)  11 Minutes

     3.  ESR Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Reporting (Webcast)  11 Minutes

     4.  ESR Rejection and Correction Reporting (Webcast) 12 Minutes

Documentation & Resources

  1. ESR User Guide (PDF) - revised June, 2018
  2. ESR Implementation Guide for the July 1, 2018 Effective Date (PDF) - revised April, 2018
  3. ESR Implementation Guide Release Notes for the July 1, 2018 Effective Date (PDF) - revised May, 2018
  4. Trading Partner Agreement

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Guaranteed Annual Fee Billing and Payment

Documentation & Resources

  1. Guaranteed Annual Fee Calculation Methodology (PDF)
  2. Guarantee Fee & Annual Fee Calculator(EXCEL)
  3. Guaranteed Annual Fee Lender User Agreement (PDF)
  4. Guaranteed Annual Fee Service Bureau User Agreement (PDF)
  5. Guaranteed Annual Fee Implementation Guide (PDF)
  6. Guaranteed Annual Fee Getting Started User Guide (PDF)
  7. Guaranteed Annual Fee User Guide (PDF)

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Guaranteed Underwriting System (GUS)


  1. Become an Approved GUS Lender (Webcast) 12 minutes

  2. GUS Overview (Webcast) 14 minutes
  3. Begin a Loan Application (Webcast) 11 minutes
  4. Eligibility Application Page (Webcast) 11 minutes
  5. Loan Terms Application Page (Webcast) 10 minutes
  6. Borrower Application Page (Webcast) 5 minutes
  7. Employment Application Page (Webcast) 4 minutes
  8. Income and Expenses Application Page (Webcast) 7 minutes
  9. Assets and Liabilities Application Page (Webcast) 13 minutes
  10. REO Property Information Application Page (Webcast) 17 minutes
  11. Transaction Details Application Page (Webcast) 12 minutes
  12. Additional Data Application Page (Webcast) 19 minutes
  13. Credit/Underwriting Application Page (Webcast) 11 minutes
  14. Underwriting Findings Report (Webcast) 10 minutes
  15. Request Forms Application Page (Webcast) 5 minutes
  16. Final Underwriting Submission (Webcast) 8 minutes
  17. Upload and Display Documents (Webcast) 7 minutes
  18. Withdraw Application (Webcast) 2 minutes

Documentation & Resources

  1. GUS User Guide (PDF)
  2. Streamlined Issuance of the Conditional Commitment: Technical Bulletin(PDF)
  3. Gaining Access To GUS Fillable Forms (PDF)
  4. Gaining Access To GUS Guide (PDF)
  5. LOS/POS Tested Listing(PDF)
  6. Adding a Lender Agent Role (PDF)

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Lender Loan Closing/Administration

Documentation & Resources

  1. Lender Loan Closing (LLC) Agreement Fillable (PDF)
  2. Lender Loan Closing (LLC) Administrative Guide (PDF)
  3. Quick Steps to Access Lender Loan Closing (LLC) (PDF)
  4. Lender Loan Closing (LLC) User Guide (PDF)
  5. Quick Steps to Complete a Lender Loan Closing (LLC) (PDF)
  6. Electronic Doc Delivery (Non-GUS loans) PDF

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Loss Claim Administration and Servicing

Documentation & Resources

  1. Guaranteed Servicing Contact Information (PDF)
  2. Trading Partner Agreement - Addendum E (PDF)
  3. Quick Reference Upload Loss Claim Documents (PDF)

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Loan Origination

Documentation & Resources

  1. Guaranteed Annual Fee Calculation Methodology (PDF)
  2. Guarantee Fee & Annual Fee Calculator(EXCEL)
  3. Electronic Doc Delivery (Non-GUS loans) PDF

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Loss Mitigation


1. Avoid Foreclosure (Webcast) 19 minutes

Documentation & Resources

  1. Loss Mitigation Servicer User Guide (PDF)
  2. RD Special Loan Servicing Final Rule (PDF)
  3. RD Special Loan Servicing Job Aid (PDF)
  4. Quick Reference Upload Loss Mitigation Documents(PDF)
  5. Loss Mitigation User Agreement(PDF)

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Property Disposition

Documentation & Resources

  1.  Property Disposition and Document Upload Servicer User Guide (PDF)

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  1. Lender eAuth Training for SFH (FLASH)

Documentation & Resources

  1. Additional Lender Security Administrator - Fillable (PDF)

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