NIDDK Director's Update Summer 2018

Photo of Dr. Griffin P. Rodgers delivering the keynote address at George Washington University’s 2018 M.D. Diploma Ceremony.

Director's Note

Children are involved in so much of what we do at the National Institutes of Health. They are patients at the Clinical Center – who often stay with their families at the Children’s Inn – and they are the scientists of tomorrow we meet on campus and in the community. I’m proud to say that NIDDK is a large part of encouraging children’s engagement with science and health, with our staff stepping up to speak to and nurture up-and-coming talent. Read More

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The NIDDK Director’s Update is published in Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. To submit an item for the next edition or send suggestions, please contact Editor January Payne at Items must be submitted 6 weeks before the month of publication to be considered for the next issue.

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