‘Tis the season of New Years resolutions.  In honor of the holiday, we examine some of the potential barriers to meeting physical activity goals, as well as strategies for overcoming those barriers:


Self-assessment:  Barriers to exercise (Source:  American College of Sports Medicine).  After completing this brief survey, users receive response-based tips on tackling their individual barriers to physical activity.…

This week, we present expert commentary on recently published physical activity research, balanced by a light-hearted look at physical activity among older Americans.

Physical activity: An investment that pays multiple health dividends (Source: Archives of Internal Medicine) Physical activity experts from the CDC and NHLBI weigh in on recently published studies.…


Those of us who work in health and wellness have a tremendous opportunity before us to positively influence the health of well over 100 million aging Americans. The “Baby Boomer and beyond” demographic needs solutions for ongoing health issues—and this group is looking for them.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 80% of adults ages 65-plus have at least one chronic health issue and, according to the World Health Organization, this age group spends more on health than anything else. …


 This week, we highlight efforts that communities in California and Utah are taking to increase physical activity among all residents:


City of Palm Springs to participate in 2009 Desert Fitness Challenge (Source:  The Desert Sun News)   Schools and communities in California are engaged in a friendly competition to increase physical activity among students and residents.…