Occupational Licensing

General Information

Casinos employ over 14,000 individuals in Indiana. Most of those individuals are licensed by the Indiana Gaming Commission. Generally speaking, any employee of an Indiana casino who works in the casino or handles money from the casino must be licensed by the Commission.

The Commission does not offer a statewide license. Instead, the Commission issues occupational licenses at each casino. In order to apply for an Indiana occupational license, an individual must first have an offer of employment from an Indiana casino. The license granted at a specific casino expires following termination of the licensee’s employment with that casino and is not transferable to another casino.

Application Process

As part of the hiring process at the casinos in Indiana, the human resources personnel at the casino will provide a prospective employee with the appropriate license application depending on the position being filled. The applicant should complete the application and provide any supporting documentation. A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate or some other form of naturalization papers must be provided with the application. The applicant may also be required to submit documentation of their military service. If the applicant has an arrest record or criminal history, the applicant will be required to submit court documentation demonstrating the outcome of all arrests or criminal charges. Applicants should plan ahead and obtain all supporting documentation prior to submission of the application. Failure to provide this information may delay processing or even cause the applicant to be denied a license.

An application fee, which helps offset the cost of the commission’s investigation into each applicant, must be paid with each application. The application fee will be paid by the casino, but the casino may require individual occupational licensees to provide reimbursement and may deduct the fee from an individual employee’s paycheck. The application fees are as follows:

  • Level 1 License: $1,000.00
  • Level 2 License:    $200.00
  • Level 3 License:      $75.00

Background Investigations and Licensing

The Gaming Commission staff conducts an extensive background check into each applicant. Applicants for a Level 1 license also undergo a thorough financial investigation. Each applicant who will receive an identification badge is processed, photographed, and fingerprinted by the gaming agents at the casino. Pursuant to IC 4-33-4-18, all fingerprints provided by applicants will be forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a complete national criminal history check. After Commission staff conducts a preliminary review and investigation, an applicant may be issued an identification badge and a temporary license which will allow the individual to work while the full investigation is performed. A temporary license is not a permanent occupational license and may be unilaterally revoked by the Executive Director without a hearing.

A permanent license will be granted only if, after the investigation is complete, the applicant is determined to be suitable to hold a license. The Commission considers a number of criteria including the following:

  • An applicant must be at least twenty one (21) years of age.
  • An applicant must be qualified to perform the duties required of the applicant by the casino.
  • An applicant must not appear on the exclusion list in Indiana or any jurisdiction.
  • An applicant must never have had a gaming license suspended or revoked in any other jurisdiction.
  • An applicant must not be currently abusing drugs or alcohol or both.
  • An applicant must be in substantial compliance with all state and federal tax laws.
  • An applicant must be of good moral character and reputation.
  • An applicant must meet any other standard that the commission deems necessary to ensure compliance with the law.

An applicant who has been convicted of a felony or gambling related misdemeanor offense may not be issued a license. In certain limited situations, an individual who has been convicted of a felony may be able to apply for a waiver of the felony conviction prohibition.

A licensing fee must be paid when a permanent occupational license is issued by the Commission. An occupational license is only valid for one year and must be renewed annually.  Like the application fee, the initial licensing fee and annual renewal fees will be paid by the casino, but the casino may require individual occupational licensee to provide reimbursement and may deduct the fee from an individual employee’s paycheck. The initial license fees and annual renewal fees are as follows:

  • Level 1 License: $100.00
  • Level 2 License:   $50.00
  • Level 3 License:   $25.00

Felony Waivers

An individual who has been convicted of a felony or a gambling related offense will be automatically denied an occupational license. However, the individual may be eligible to apply for a felony waiver. Depending on the nature of the felony offense, at least five or ten years must have passed since the conclusion of the sentence served for the felony conviction or the commission is prohibited from considering the application. Some offenses, such as crimes of fraud and deception, are not eligible to be waived.

The gaming agents at the casinos can provide the felony waiver application.  You may also download a felony waiver application here.  If the felony waiver applicant meets the basic criteria for a waiver, a hearing will be held at which the individual may present evidence of rehabilitation and the reasons why a waiver should be granted. The hearing officer will make a recommendation to the Commission which will make the final decision regarding whether the waiver should be approved.

Duties of an Occupational Licensee

An occupational license does not create a property right but is a revocable privilege granted by the Commission contingent upon continuing suitability for licensure. Occupational licensees have a duty to notify the Commission of any changes in the information submitted in the licensee’s application. Likewise, an occupational licensee has a duty to report to the Commission any arrests or criminal charges, a filing for bankruptcy, or any other information that would affect the licensee’s suitability. This information must be reported to the Commission within ten days of the occurrence of the event. An occupational licensee also must report any information that licensee may have regarding a casino or supplier violating the laws and regulations governing casino gaming in Indiana.

If a licensee does not comply with the statutes and regulations governing casino gambling, the licensee may be subject to disciplinary action including suspension, revocation of the license, or a fine up to $5,000.