Laboratory Science & Safety

Laboratory Science & Safety

CDC has more than 1700 scientists, working in more than 200 cutting-edge laboratories across the U.S. from Atlanta to Spokane, to Ft Collins, to Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Morgantown, Anchorage, and San Juan. While CDC’s laboratories are diverse in their functions and expertise, they play a vital role and are unified by a single mission: to protect the lives and health of the American public 24/7.

  • Protecting Americans. CDC laboratory scientists work across the U.S. on a range of critical work, including research, surveillance, and reference diagnostic testing.
  • Enhancing CDC Laboratory Science & Quality. Our laboratories follow CDC’s pledge to produce the highest quality scientific data, while ensuring the safety of our staff and the nation.
  • Strengthening CDC Laboratory Safety. As a result of ambitious efforts to strengthen and reform CDC’s laboratory safety practices and oversight, CDC remains a model of scientific excellence and safety.

Steve Monroe, PhD ADLSS, CDC
Steve Monroe, PhD ADLSS, CDC

Steve Monroe, PhD, is the Associate Director for Laboratory Science and Safety (ADLSS) at CDC. He oversees the Office of the Associate Director for Laboratory Science and Safety (OADLSS) which provides high-level oversight and coordination of critical laboratory policies and operations, particularly those associated with laboratory safety and quality management programs at all CDC campuses.

Page last reviewed: September 27, 2018