Office of Science (OS)

Leslie Dauphin, PhD

Leslie Dauphin, PhD

Leslie Dauphin, PhD, is the Acting Associate Director for Science at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Dr. Dauphin’s leadership was instrumental to CDC’s response to laboratory safety events in 2014 and in the creation and successful stand up of the Office of the Associate Director for Laboratory Science and Safety (OADLSS), where she serves as deputy director. Previously, she served as Deputy Associate Director for Laboratory Science within the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) and as a research microbiologist and Select Agent Principal Investigator in the Bioterrorism Rapid Response and Advanced Technology (BRRAT) Laboratory.

Dr. Dauphin is a veteran of the US Army, where she was a paratrooper under the 18th Airborne Core. She received the Southwest Asia Service Medal and the National Defense Service Medal for her service in Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm.

Page last reviewed: December 29, 2017