Additional Resources

  • Emergency Preparedness and Response

Pharmacist Volunteer 

The State Emergency Registry of Volunteers in Georgia integrates government-sponsored local, regional and statewide volunteer programs to assist emergency response and public safety organizations during a disaster. It is part of a national initiative to coordinate and mobilize volunteers to respond to all types of emergencies.

To Volunteer Visit:


Resource for Pharmacies

Take action before an event and enroll in HealthCare Ready. For more information see


  • Safe Disposal of Medications:

Accidental Drug Overdose: According to the FDA, studies show that 50% of harm from medication use could be prevented. Accidental drug overdose remains a leading cause of death to both illicit and prescription drugs.


Drug Enforcement Administration National Take-Back Initiative

U.S. Food & Drug 

  • Improving Medication Practices

Antibiotic Stewardship Honor Roll

Opioid Overdose

  • Georgia Pharmacy Associations

Georgia Pharmacy Association

Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists

  • State Government Pharmacy Entities

Georgia Board of Pharmacy  

Georgia Medicaid