Georgia. Working on Health.

In 2016 the Georgia Department of Public Health developed a new initiative promoting a healthier workforce, improving public health programs and promoting self-management of chronic conditions. Among worksites the Chronic Disease Prevention team seeks to develop a wellness network, encourage worksites to pledge to adopt and implement policies, and partner with health care extenders to provide screenings and referrals in worksites.                            

By “taking the pledge” online to promote physical activity, create a healthy eating environment, support breastfeeding, and/or become tobacco free, worksites become a part of the Georgia. Working on Health network and receive window clings, the Work Healthy Georgia Toolkit, and ongoing resources to assist in creating programs and policies. Take the pledge and help us create an environment that supports healthy habits to create a healthier workforce and a healthier Georgia.


Adopt policies to join our “Working on Health Network and create a healthier Georgia!




  • Your business is 100% tobacco free indoors and outdoors
  • Support employees and community members in tobacco cessation through the promotion of your resources including the Georgia Quit Line (1-877-270-STOP)


  • Adopt a healthy meeting policy to encourage healthy eating behaviors
  • Adopt a policy to encourage employees to engage in physical activity during work hours


  • Breastfeeding is acceptable in all areas of your business premises that are open to the general public
  • All staff members are made aware that your business supports the needs of breastfeeding mothers
  • A mother who is breastfeeding in an area of the business premises open to the general public will not be asked to move to another area or stop breastfeeding


Additional Resources

Georgia Working on Health Infographic

Working on Health Infographic


Work Healthy Georgia Toolkit, 2nd Edition

Work Healthy Georgia Toolkit


Sample Language for Worksite Health Policies

Breastfeeding Friendly


Physical Activity

Tobacco Free


Georgia Working on Health Newsletter

November/December 2016

February/March 2017

June/July 2017

September/October 2017




Page last updated 2/12/18