CDC Shares Public Health Articles on CDC Stacks

Man using a computer in a library

Looking for CDC publications? Search the CDC Stacks, an online library of free, full-text public health publications based on CDC scientific research on a range of public health topics. Check back often for new additions!


Did you know that CDC Stacks is an online digital repository of CDC supported publications?

CDC Stacks is a free, digital repository of publications produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) based on scientific research. This online library can be found at CDC Stacks: Health Publications. CDC Stacks is composed of curated collections of full-text peer reviewed articles, guidelines and recommendations, and many more documents on a broad range of public health topics. The documents are retained indefinitely and are available for public health professionals, researchers, as well as the general public.

Open Access to Public Health Information Protects more People from Disease and Injury

More people in the population can be protected from disease and injury when CDC research is openly shared with the public, public health professionals, health care providers, educators, policy makers, businesses, and private sector organizations. CDC Stacks offers free access to a variety of CDC resources, which allows the scientific community to be more collaborative. Additionally, CDC Stacks provides health decision makers with resources to make sound decisions to address specific issues of public health importance. By offering easy access to this information, CDC can maximize the effect of public health science in supporting a healthier population.

Fully-featured Repository with Search and Suggested Links

CDC Stacks provides the ability to search the full text of all documents, browse journal articles by public health subject, and explore the curated collections of more than 10,000 articles and documents on relevant topics.

Collections of articles include:

  • The Library which includes CDC publications from all areas of public health.
  • Guidelines and Recommendations which is a resource for current and previous evidence-based clinical and public health guidelines.
  • CDC Open Access contains CDC-authored articles that were published in open access journals.
  • Reproductive Health Surveys contains information from developing countries since 1973.
  • Influenza Surveillance Reports contains reports on influenza, pneumonia and respiratory disease, primarily in the Americas from 1957 through 1981.
  • MMWR: The First 30 Years contains Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports dating back to 1952.

Additional collections and ongoing additions to existing collections are planned for the future.

Current and Historical Public Health Information

The Stacks provides a versatile, comprehensive, historical, and interdisciplinary search experience. Additionally, CDC Stacks offers a previously unavailable historical perspective. First, it provides access to the first 30 volumes of the MMWR. It also supplies links to retired and superseded guidelines on documents and pages providing current CDC Guidelines and Recommendations. Furthermore, CDC Stacks documents provide links to additional documents across Stacks on similar topics, and also to external publishers and related sites within the CDC website.

Benefits of Electronic Access

Electronic access increases availability of public health and scientific information to the public. Much of this information was previously available only in hard copy on site at the CDC library. Articles stored and shared through CDC Stacks will increase collaborations among research scientists, helping CDC to further its mission to save lives and protect the health of citizens of the U.S. and of international populations.

You can explore the articles in CDC stacks at CDC Stacks: Health Publications. Check back often for new articles.

Page last reviewed: March 19, 2014