NCIPC Board of Scientific Counselors

Board of Scientific Counselors NCIPC

The Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC) is one of CDC’s federal advisory committees, which work to achieve stakeholder and public engagement in CDC’s efforts and commitment to improve people’s health. CDC’s Injury Center BSC works with other institutions to study the causes and strategies related to the prevention of violence and injuries.

The BSC advises the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services; the Director, CDC; and the Director, NCIPC regarding surveillance, basic epidemiologic research, intervention research, and implementation, dissemination, and evaluation of promising and evidence-based strategies for the prevention of injury and violence. The Board makes recommendations regarding policies, strategies, objectives, projects, and priorities, and reviews progress toward injury and violence prevention.

The Board consists of up to 18 members, including the two co-chairs. Members are selected by the Secretary, HHS, or his/her designee, from authorities knowledgeable in the pertinent disciplines involved in injury and violence prevention, including, but not limited to, epidemiologists, statisticians, trauma surgeons, rehabilitation medical specialists, behavioral scientists, health economists, program evaluation specialists, political science, law, criminology, and specialists in various aspects of injury management.

The BSC also consists of 16 nonvoting ex officio members from related federal agencies as well as such others as the Secretary deems necessary to carry out the functions of the Board.