Division of Codes and Standards

The Division of Codes and Standards establishes and enforces building codes, in partnership with the State’s municipalities, to protect the health and safety of residents. The Division houses the Bureau of Housing Inspection; implements construction codes including building, plumbing, fire protection, radon codes, asbestos and lead abatement; and oversees carnival/amusement ride inspections, LP gas installations, rooming and boarding house licenses, and the State’s New Home Warranty program.

Division of Fire Safety

The Division of Fire Safety serves as the central fire service agency in the State. The Division is responsible for the development and enforcement of the State Uniform Fire Code, as well as for implementing public education and firefighter training programs.

Division of Housing and Community Resources

The Division of Housing and Community Resources is committed to strengthening and revitalizing communities through the delivery of affordable housing, supportive services and the provision of financial and technical assistance to communities, local government and community based organizations.

Division of Local Government Services

The Division of Local Government Services works with local governments to ensure their financial integrity and solvency, and to support their efforts to comply with State laws and regulations.

Sandy Recovery Division

The Sandy Recovery Division manages the majority of the federal funds that will be used to assist New Jersey in recovering from Superstorm Sandy. These funds come from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery programs of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Division is committed to efficiently and effectively addressing the long-term needs of New Jersey’s Sandy-impacted residents and communities.

Office of Local Planning Services

Local Planning Services (LPS), an office within DCA, works with communities to achieve local land use and planning goals.  As part of DCA's commitment to provide technical assistance to municipalities, our professional planning staff offers comprehensive planning services at no-cost to local governments.

Office of Policy and Regulatory Affairs

The Office of Policy and Regulatory Affairs has oversight of the Department’s significant policy initiatives, and is responsible for integrating the various Department programs into a coherent and consistent message. The Office helps craft new programs, evaluates existing Department programs, and works with Department staff to revise policies and programs in order to meet changing needs.  It provides data analysis and research for all Department Divisions. The Office also acts as the primary liaison with the Office of the Attorney General, and helps provide guidance to Department staff on statutory and regulatory issues.

Office of Legislative Affairs

The Department's Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA) primarily acts as the liaison between the Department and Legislature, coordinating all Department matters relevant to legislation.  OLA has a leadership role in planning, developing, and implementing the Department's legislative goals and strategies; notifying legislative offices of Department initiatives; identifying legislation of interest to the Department; and monitoring the status of legislative proposals.

Office of Communications

The Office of Communications promotes the programs, polices and initiatives of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The Office coordinates all media inquiries for the agency, working with local, regional and national media on a daily basis.

Photo of DCA building
The Department of Community Affairs main building is located at 101 South Broad Street in Trenton, New Jersey.