
The Office of Legal and Regulatory Compliance provides guidance on the substance of the statutes and rules governing the responsibilities of the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH). 

The office also serves as the legal liaison with the Division of Law (in the Department of Law and Public Safety) and with the Office of Administrative Law regarding rulemaking, adjudicatory hearing requests, and final decisions in contested cases.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance also coordinates the handling of subpoenas and other legal documents served on NJDOH.  Subpoenas directed to NJDOH employees for records and general notices related to bankruptcy or tort claim notices should be mailed to the Office at the address listed here.

Joy L. Lindo, Director
(609) 984-2177


Initial and final agency decisions can be accessed at http://njlaw.rutgers.edu/collections/oal/.

Contact Us

Office of Legal and Regulatory Compliance
New Jersey Department of Health
PO Box 360
Trenton, NJ 08625-0360

Express delivery or courier:
Office of Legal and Regulatory Compliance
New Jersey Department of Health
Health and Agriculture Building, 8th Floor
369 South Warren Street
Trenton, NJ 08608

Phone: 609-984-2177
Fax: 609-292-5333

Last Reviewed: 1/11/2017