Laws, Rules, and Regulations


The IURC regulates electric, natural gas, steam, water, and wastewater utilities, and to a lesser extent, telecommunications and video providers. The Commission also oversees natural gas pipeline companies in the state of Indiana and ensures operators of gas distribution systems follow state and federal guidelines established to promote the safe, reliable transportation of natural gas to customers. The utilities regulated by the Commission may be investor-owned, municipally-owned, not-for-profit corporations, or cooperative utilities. The Commission, however, does not regulate municipal wastewater utilities or those who “opt out” of its jurisdiction, pursuant to statute.

Indiana Code (Laws)

The IURC regulates various aspects of the utility business, including rates, financing, bonding, environmental compliance plans and service territories.  The Commission has regulatory oversight concerning construction and acquisition of additional plants and equipment.  The Commission also has authority to initiate investigations into utility rates and practices.  The IURC receives its authority from Indiana Code Title 8. Numerous court decisions further define the Commission’s function.

To view the laws governing utility operations within the state of Indiana, please click here.

Indiana Administrative Code (Rules and Regulations)

The IURC develops and adopts its “Rules and Regulations Concerning Practice and Procedure” as well as “Rules and Regulations and Standards of Service” to govern each type of utility through Title 170 of the Indiana Administrative Code. The Commission makes changes to its rules through a process requiring notice, a public hearing, and Commission adoption. Before a rule is final, Indiana Code requires it to be approved by the Attorney General and the Governor.

To view the rules and regulations governing utility operations within the state of Indiana, please click here.

General Administrative Orders (Additional Guidelines)

The IURC provides additional guidance to regulated utilities regarding policies and procedures through its General Administrative Orders or GAOs. This includes policies such as governing interest rates for gas customer deposits, case procedures, and time parameters for general rate cases. GAOs also contain procedures for matters such as safety valve requests and certificates of territorial authority for communication service providers.

To view the IURC’s General Administrative Orders, please click here.


To view pending and effective rules, please click here.