Economic and Social Issues

USDA. Economic Research Service.

Research and reports on economic factors that affect resource use (land, water and biological resources) and the costs and benefits to farmers, consumers and the government of meeting conservation and environmental goals.

USDA. Economic Research Service.

A part of the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), this survey annually collects information about the structure and financial status and performance of U.S. farm operators, their households, and farm businesses. Additionally, this survey collects field-level information on chemicals and seeds, equipment, previous crops, highly erodible land, irrigation, and pest, nutrient, and crop residue management practices. Tailored reports provide data of farms for production years beginning in 1996.

University of Missouri.

Speeches and papers from an agricultural economist who focuses on the viability of small farms and sustainable farming. Site includes presentations from the Sustaining People through Agriculture Series.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Displays data and reports on policies, trade, research, and standards affecting sustainable practices.

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. Fires of Hope Initiative.

This document reviews research literature, 1981-2001, including studies comparing conventional and sustainable systems; studies examining practices of soil building and fertility management; and studies examining systems of small farms, organic farming, and sustainable livestock production.