The following list of FCC Items on Circulation provides a compilation of the Commission level items that have been circulated and are pending action by the full Commission. This list is updated on a weekly basis.

Date Circulated Bureau Office Docket Number Title
11/08/2018 WCB Connect America Fund
11/06/2018 WTB Maritime Accounting Authority Report and Order
11/06/2018 WCB, WTB Connect America Fund; Universal Service Reform - Mobility Fund
11/02/2018 WCB Jurisdictional Separations and Referral to the Federal-State Joint Board
11/01/2018 WCB In the Matter of Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc.; Connect America Fund, WC Docket No. 10-90, Order on Reconsideration
10/30/2018 WTB In the Matter of Spectrum Networks Group, LLC, Applications and Waiver Request to Allow it to Provide Private, Internal Machine-To-Machine Communications to Businesses on 900 MHz Business/Industrial/Land Transportation Channels, WT Docket No. 14-100
10/01/2018 EB Enforcement Bureau Order
05/17/2018 MB In the Matter of Complaints Involving the Political Files of WCNC-TV, Inc., licensee of Station WCNC-TV, Charlotte, NC, et al., Memorandum Opinion and Order
05/17/2018 MB Complaint Involving the Political Files of Scripps Media, Inc., licensee of Station WCPO-TV, Cincinnati, OH
04/11/2017 WTB Expanding Access to Mobile Wireless Services Onboard Aircraft
01/06/2017 OET Amendment of Part 2 of the Commission's Rules for Federal Earth Stations Communicating with Non-Federal Fixed Satellite Service Space Stations; Federal Space Station Use of the 399.9-400.5 MHz Mobile Satellite Service Band; and Allocation of Spectrum
Friday, November 30, 2018