Small Business Assistance

Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop is the go-to resource for planning, registering, operating, and growing a business – while working smart and living happy in Pennsylvania.

Entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses bring new ideas, tools, technology, and jobs to Pennsylvania, creating opportunities throughout our state. They employ about half of the state’s workforce, and in second half of 2015, created nearly 24,000 new jobs.

To support our entrepreneurs and businesses at all stages of development, Governor Wolf created the Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop and launched in February 2018.

Serving as the first point of contact for Pennsylvania business development concerns, the Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop connects and guides businesses through all stages of development — from planning and startup to operating and expanding.

The Entrepreneur's Guide

Download PA’s comprehensive business resource guide to help you launch your business in Pennsylvania. Here you’ll find expert information regarding building a business plan, registration, funding advice, and more. Our e-guide is printer-friendly and eco-friendly!

Veterans Resources

Download the Veterans Resources Fact Sheet and learn how you can start or grow your business in Pennsylvania. From technical and registration help, to securing funding for a diverse business, our team can help.

The Pennsylvania Diverse Business Financing Initiative

Pennsylvania is committed to promoting diversity, inclusion, and small business opportunities. The Diverse Financing Initiative consists of capitalizing revolving loan funds managed by local economic development service providers, including Certified Economic Development organizations (CEDOs) and Community Development Financing Institutions (CDFIs).