Access to Market

Pennsylvania has Access to Nearly 40% of U.S. Markets and 60% of Canadian Markets

Open for Business

Overall, our state offers a competitive business environment, world-class institutions of higher learning and research, geographic proximity to key markets and decision-makers and a wealth of potential business partners. When considered together, these assets can offer strategic and competitive advantages to your business. And they are all in one convenient U.S. location – the keystone to your success.


Pennsylvania is located within a day's drive of nearly 40 percent of the United States population and 60 percent of the Canadian population and purchasing power, including four of the 10 largest markets in the United States.

Proximity map

Reaching these customers and markets is easy and convenient because of Pennsylvania’s comprehensive transportation network, including:

  • An outstanding network of interstate highways
  • Modern freight railroads
  • Six international airports
  • Three major ports with access to:
    • Atlantic Ocean
    • The Great Lakes
    • The Gulf of Mexico

Trade Assistance

Pennsylvania makes it easy to do business beyond our borders. We encourage growth and expansion into world markets by offering unrivaled services and expertise for both new-to-export companies and experienced exporters seeking new markets.

To learn more about how Pennsylvania can meet your export needs, please visit our Export page