Right to Know Law (RTKL) Requests

Information about filing Right to Know (RTK) Requests

Right to Know Law Procedures for Responding to Requests

Pursuant to Section 504 of the Right-to-Know Law, 65 P.S. §67.101 et seq. (RTKL), the Department of Community and Economic Development (“Agency”) sets forth the following policies, process and procedures, regarding responses by the Agency to requests made pursuant to the RTKL, in addition to complying with the policies set forth in Management Directive 205.36 at Management Directive.

In addition, to facilitate access to documents of public interest and reduce the need for RTKL requests, the Agency makes many documents public. The Agency publishes its executed contracts (July 1, 2008 and after) on the Department of Treasury database which may be found at http://contracts.patreasury.org/search.aspx pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 17 of the RTKL, 65 P.S. §§ 67.1701-1702.

The Department also posts summary information about many of its contracts on its website and statistical and financial information about Pennsylvania’s local governments here.

  1. A written request to the Agency under the RTKL must:

    1. Be addressed to the Agency Open Records Officer (“AORO”) at:
      Agency Open Records Officer
      Department of Community and Economic Development
      Commonwealth Keystone Building
      400 North Street, 4th Floor
      Harrisburg, PA 17120
      Phone: 717.783-8452
      Fax: 717.772.3103
      Email: rtk-dced@pa.gov

    2. Identify a name and address to which the agency should address its response;

    3. Indicate that the request is being made pursuant to the RTKL;

    4. Be submitted in by mail, by e-mail or by facsimile;

    5. Be sufficiently specific to enable the Agency to ascertain which records are being requested; and

    6. Be from a person that is a legal resident of the United States.
      * written and non-written requests may be made in person by appointment only with the AORO.

  2. While verbal requests may be fulfilled by the Agency, the requester cannot pursue the relief and remedies provided under the RTKL unless the request is in writing.

  3. RTKL requests may be submitted using DCED’s Right to Know Request Form or the Universal Office of Open Records Form.

  4. The regular business hours of the RTKL Office are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any RTKL request received by the RTKL Office after the close of regular business hours shall be deemed to have been received by that office on the following business day.

  5. RTKL requests received by the Agency will be considered “public record” information by the Agency.