Child Placing Agencies (CPA)

Child-Placing Agency or Agency means any child welfare agency that places children in foster homes for temporary care or in prospective adoptive homes for adoption.

Child placement or placement activity means the selection, by a person or agency other than the child’s parent or guardian, of a foster family or prospective adoptive family, or effecting the movement of the child into the foster family or prospective adoptive family.  This definition includes any preparation of a home study of a foster home or of a prospective adoptive home.  Counseling with respect to options available, legal services, or services as an agent for the purpose of notice of withdrawal of consent by the birth parent does not constitute child placement under this definition.


Child placing services provided by the Department
Type Requirements:
A child placing agency must obtain a license or temporary license.
Legal Authority:  O.C.G.A. §§ 49-5-12, 49-5-12.1, 49-2-17, 49-5-3, 49-5-8, and 49-5-60 et seq.

The following link will take you to the Code of Georgia-Free Public Access website Official Code of Georgia Annotated

Rules and Regulations for Child Placing Agencies, Chapter 290-9-2, effective April 5, 2000, revised February 13, 2008.
License: No charge

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