
Here we list resources that people and agencies can use to prepare for and deal with ash.

Health Hazard Guides

The International Volcanic Health Hazards Network (IVHHN) is an umbrella organisation for all research and information on volcanic health hazards. IVHHN has produced guidelines and databases on volcanic health issues, and information resources intended for the public and emergency managers.

NEW Guidelines on Protection from Breathing Ash

IVHHN guidelines on Protection from Breathing Ash

Pamphlets for the Public and Emergency Managers:

  • Guidelines on Preparedness Before, During and After an Ashfall (English version) and,
  • Health Hazards of Volcanic Ash-A Guide for the Public may be downloaded from the IVHHN website.

    These pamphlets are available in English, Japanese, French, Spanish, Swahili, Portuguese, Indonesian and Icelandic at both low (web) and high (print) resolution at the following link: Preparedness and Health Pamphlets (various languages). A version in Italian is in preparation.

  • Recommended Dust Masks - for the Public and Emergency Managers:

  • Guidance on dust masks for use during ashfallout (English version).
  • Guidance on dust masks for use during ashfallout (Spanish version).
  • Guidance on dust masks for use during ashfallout (Portuguese version).

  • Guide on Volcanic Gases:

    The International Volcanic Health Hazard Network (IVHHN) has developed information relating to health hazards of gases and aerosols emitted during volcanic activity that can be found by clicking here (available in English, Spanish, and Japanese).

    Posters on Impacts of Volcanic Ashfall

    Below are a series of posters, providing concise best practice information for critical infrastructure managers to effectively prepare for, respond to, and recover from ash-producing volcanic eruptions. Content is based on the latest international research and informed by observations from around the world. We thank the Auckland Lifelines Group in New Zealand for making these posters available.

    Volcanic ashfall advice for:
    To access high resolution versions of the posters click on this link: High resolution poster versions
    To access the posters in HTML format click on this link: HTML pages

    Ash Impact Guidelines for Agriculture

  • Impact of Volcanic Ash on Agriculture and Forestry
  • Ash Collection Protocols

    The following protocols were developed by the Alaska Volcano Observatory for both scientists and the public but can be used in almost any setting or circumstance.

  • Instructions for collecting volcanic ash samples
  • Ash Collection Datasheet
  • Assessing Respiratory Health Hazards:

  • Protocol for analysis of bulk ash samples for health hazard assessment
  • Assessing Hazards to Health and Agriculture from Leachates:

  • Protocol for analysis of volcanic ash samples for assessment of hazards from leachable elements