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Defense Secretary Ash Carter travels to the West Coast to discuss technology and cybersecurity initiatives with members of the nation's top innovative industries. He also plans to meet with service members who use advanced technologies to keep America safe and prepared for every challenge over the horizon.

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About the Secretary

Profile photo of Defense Secretary Ash Carter Ash Carter is the 25th secretary of defense. He previously served as deputy defense secretary and as undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics. Carter has received the Defense Department's Distinguished Service Medal five times and the Defense Intelligence Medal. Biography

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March 2016
Travels with Carter - U.S. Secretary of Defense

News Stories

Secretary: Joint-Base Lewis McChord Troops ‘Do It All, Have It All’

In the last day of his trip to the West Coast to strengthen ties between the Defense Department and the technology community, the secretary said the active-duty, National Guard and reserve service members who work jointly at the installation constitute a significant asset as the military faces challenges such as the rebalance to the Asia-Pacific region. Story

Carter Reviews New Technologies From DoD's Silicon Valley Unit

Defense Secretary Ash Carter visited DIUx as part of a trip to Silicon Valley -- his third as defense secretary -- and to Seattle to discuss technology and cybersecurity initiatives with officials at some of the region’s top tech companies. Story

Secretary Stresses Need for DoD Innovation During Seattle Event

As part of his continuing effort to engage with innovative technology companies, Defense Secretary Ash Carter spoke at a Microsoft-hosted breakfast in Seattle. Story

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