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Latest from the Inside IES Research Blog

Resources for Researchers

Open bookA collection of available data, videos, training materials, and more designed for active researchers.

FY2018 Funded Grants

Adults having a meetingIES recently awarded over 60 new grants in Education Research. Learn more about the new 2018 grants and IES Research Grant program areas.

Featured Publication

tablet that says education technologyA Compendium of Education Technology Research Funded by NCER and NCSER: 2002–2014
Between 2002 and 2014, the Institute of Education Sciences (Institute) supported over 400 projects focused on education technology through the National Center for Education Research (NCER) and the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER). Together, researchers funded by NCER and NCSER have developed or studied technologies for classroom, school, and education research purposes, including work on more than 270 web-based tools, 85 virtual environments and interactive simulations, 95 intelligent tutor and artificial intelligence software systems, 50 game-based tools, and 105 computer-based assessments.

IES Principal Investigators Meeting

Critical Questions & Practical Solutions: Improving the PRactice and Usefulness of Education Research

Information on the Annual IES Principal Investigators Meeting.
While this event is open only to IES PIs, materials and videos from some sessions will be posted after the meeting.

View materials and videos from the past IES Principal Investigators Meetings:
2017 IES PI Meeting
2016 IES PI Meeting
2015 IES PI Meeting

IES Releases Summary of Responses to the Request for Public Comment on IES-Funded Efficacy, Replication, and Effectiveness Studies

IES released a summary of responses received to the Request for Public Comment on IES Research Goals 3 and 4. This request asked whether these goals, as currently configured, are meeting the needs of the field or whether changes should be considered to encourage more replication and effectiveness studies. To see the summary of responses, click here.