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State of New Jersey

Department of State

New Jersey-Israel Commission

New Jersey-Israel Commission

New Jersey and Israel:
Sharing a long and strong relationship

The New Jersey-Israel Commission was established in 1989 to implement the goals of the Sister State Agreement - to promote the development of trade, culture and educational exchanges; encourage the development of capital investment and joint business ventures; and foster a spirit of cooperation between the citizens of the State of Israel and the State of New Jersey.

Commission History

In 1988, under Governor Thomas H. Kean, a Sister State Agreement was signed between the State of Israel and the State of New Jersey.

The New Jersey-Israel Commission was established in 1989 to implement the goals of this agreement - to promote the development of trade, culture and educational exchanges; encourage the development of capital investment and joint business ventures; and foster a spirit of cooperation between the citizens of the State of Israel and the State of New Jersey.

The New Jersey-Israel Commission was placed under the purview of the Department of State in July, 2007. Prior to this, the Commission came under the New Jersey Commerce, Economic Development & Tourism Commission (which is now the New Jersey Commerce Commission).

Commission Prioritites

The New Jersey – Israel Commission’s mission is to foster economic, scientific, educational and cultural ties with the State of Israel, one of New Jersey’s most important trading partners.

The Governor appoints the public members of the Commission, which has three committees that focus on three key areas of interest: economic development, education, and culture & tourism.


Ecomonic Development

The economic development committee identifies opportunities for increased economic development between New Jersey and Israel, including joint business ventures and capital investment.
Economic Committee - Mark Levenson, Chair



The Commission facilitates supports and encourages collaborative research projects, University to University Exchanges, and educational programming beneficial for schools, universities, and the general community.
Education Committee - Dr. Marlene Herman, Chair



The Commission actively supports art exhibits, film festivals, and cultural missions on the state and local level, group events, and other tourism exchange programs to build awareness and understanding between the citizens of Israel and New Jersey.
Culture Committee - Jerry Enis, Chair