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Our Sponsors

By partnering with key administration and U.S. Department of Transportation leaders, the Volpe Center maintains a central, crosscutting role in the Department and with other key stakeholders, adding value through technical excellence, innovation, and a sustained commitment to public service.

The Volpe Center is cost reimbursable, receives no direct appropriations, and is 100 percent funded by sponsored projects. Nearly 90 percent of our work is sponsored by U.S. DOT partners.

Our mandate to support the transportation enterprise is broad, and remaining projects are sponsored by state and local governments, private sector entities, and other federal agencies.

We’ve dedicated our careers to building a better transportation system and are proud to support those who keep America moving, including the following agencies:

U.S. Department of Transportation

  • Federal Aviation Administration
  • Federal Highway Administration
  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
  • Federal Railroad Administration
  • Federal Transit Administration
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office
  • Maritime Administration
  • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
  • Office of the Secretary of Transportation
  • Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
  • Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation

Federal Agencies

  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Department of the Interior
  • Millennium Challenge Corporation
  • NASA

Non-Federal Government Agencies

  • Cities of New York and Colorado Springs
  • Florida and Massachusetts DOTs
  • Manchester-Boston Regional Airport
  • Maryland State Highway Administration
  • Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
  • Orange County Transportation Authority
  • San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Washington Metro Area Transit Authority
  • State of New Mexico


  • State of Arizona
  • University of Florida
  • University of Wisconsin


  • American Concrete Paving Association
  • National Academy of Sciences
  • National Motor Freight Traffic Association
  • Wright State Applied Research Corporation

Private Sector

  • Applied Physical Science
  • BNSF Railway
  • Columbia River Pilots
  • Gannet Fleming, Inc.
  • General Motors
  • Illingworth and Rodkin, Inc.
  • Landrum and Brown, Inc.
  • Resource Systems Group Inc.
  • Tetra Tech, Inc.
  • Wyle Laboratories, Inc.
  • Zamurs and Associates, LLC


  • Bayanat Airport Engineering & Supplies
  • Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
  • International Civil Aviation Organization
  • United Kingdom Ministry of Defence
  • The World Bank

Learn more about how to work with us.

Updated: Monday, April 9, 2018