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Policy, Planning, and Environment

What We Do

Our Center for Policy, Planning, and Environment provides a full range of planning, evaluation, compliance, and implementation assistance to transportation decision makers at the local, regional, state, and federal levels.

We equip transportation decision makers with the information and tools necessary to plan, develop, manage, operate, and finance the nation’s transportation system and build the capacity of the organizations that support that system.

We analyze, synthesize, and communicate data to support environmentally sustainable, economically efficient, and socially just transportation decisions.

Our work has:

  • Assessed the costs and benefits of national fuel economy standards
  • Supported transit and multi-use trail systems accessing national parks and public lands
  • Created national transportation workforce development strategies and programs
  • Developed policies and supported rulemaking that drive reductions in transportation energy use and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Modeled and helped mitigate environmental impacts of infrastructure investments


Our work is organized into seven offices and divisions—each specializing in a different facet of policy, planning, energy, and environment in transportation:

Our center also includes Volpe’s Public Lands Team.

Featured Work

Updated: Friday, August 3, 2018