FAD-275  Coarse Grains Crop Provisions 11(c)

Regarding the interpretation of section 11(c) of the Coarse Grains Crop Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.113 (January 16, 2018)

FAD-278  Basic Provisions 3(a)

Regarding the interpretation of section 3(a) of the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (June 5, 2018)

FAD-281  Basic Provisions 3(g)(4)

Regarding the interpretation of section 3(g)(4) and section 14 of the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (September 20, 2018)

FAD-276  Basic Provisions 6(g)2

Regarding the interpretation of section 6(g)2 of the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (January 16, 2018)

FAD-277  Basic Provisions 14(e)

Regarding the interpretation of sections 14(e)(4)(i)(A) and 14(e)(5) of the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (January 16, 2018)

FAD-279  Basic Provisions 20(a)(1)

Regarding the interpretation of section 20(a)(1) of the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (June 5, 2018)

FAD-280  Basic Provisions 20(b)(1)

Regarding the interpretation of section 20(b)(1) of the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8  (September 18, 2018)

FAD-284  Basic Provisions 20(d)(1)

Regarding the interpretation of section 20(d)(1) of the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8. This request is pursuant to 7 C.F.R. § 400, subpart X (December 19, 2018)

FAD-285  Basic Provisions 20(d)(1)(i)

Regarding the interpretation of section 20(d)(1)(i) the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8. This request is pursuant to 7 C.F.R. § 400, subpart X (December 19, 2018)

FAD-282  Basic Provisions 20(h)

Regarding the interpretation of section 20(h) of the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8  (November 28, 2018)


FAD-272 Apple Crop Insurance Provisions 14(b)(5)

Regarding the interpretation of section 14(b)(5) of the Apple Crop Insurance Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.158. (June 5, 2017)

FAD-271 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 3(g)

Regarding the interpretation of section 3(g) of the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (March 14, 2017)

FAD-274 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 14(e)

Regarding the interpretation of section 14(e)(4)(i)(A) and 14(e)(5) of the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (October 17, 2017)

FAD-273 Extra Long Staple (ELS) Cotton Crop Provisions

Regarding the interpretation of the definition of “replanting” in section 1 of the Extra Long Staple (ELS) Cotton Crop Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.105 (September 19, 2017)


FAD-257 Arizona-California Citrus Crop Provisions

Regarding the interpretation of section 3 of the Arizona-California Citrus Crop Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.121 (January 29, 2016)

FAD-254 Arizona-California Citrus Crop Provisions 

Regarding the interpretation of section 11 of the Arizona-California Citrus Crop Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.121 (January 12, 2016)

FAD-267 Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions

Regarding interpretation of the preamble of the Common Crop Insurance Policy (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 and section 506(e) and (k) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act (Act), published at 7 U.S.C. § 1501 (August 16, 2016)

FAD-268 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 6(a)(2)

Regarding the interpretation of sections 6(a)(2), 6(d), and section 20 of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (September 7, 2016)

FAD-266 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 9(a)(1)

Regarding the interpretation of section 9(a)(1) of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (August 16, 2016)

FAD-264 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 9(a)(2)(i)

Regarding the interpretation of section 9(a)(2)(i) of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (July 14, 2016)

FAD-259 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 13(a)

Regarding the interpretation of section 13(a) and section 20 of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (August 17, 2016)

FAD-260 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 14

Regarding the interpretation of the preamble and section 14 of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (June 21, 2016)

FAD-270 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 14(a)(3)

Regarding the interpretation of section 14(f)(3) (Our Duties) of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. 457.8 (December 16, 2016)

FAD-255 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 15(i)

Regarding the interpretation of section 15(i) of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (January 19, 2016)

FAD-265 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 17(e)

Regarding the interpretation of section 17(e)(1) of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (August 16, 2016)

FAD-262 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 20(a)

Regarding the interpretation of section 20(a) and (b) of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8.  (June 21, 2016)

FAD-261 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 20(a)

Regarding the interpretation of section 20(a) and (b) of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (June 21, 2016)

FAD-258 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 20(b)

Regarding the interpretation of section 20(b) of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8. (March 1, 2016)

FAD-253 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions 29

Regarding the interpretation of section 29 of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions), published at 7 CFR §457.8 (January 7, 2016)

FAD-256 Grape and Texas Citrus Fruit Crop Provisions 3

Regarding the interpretation of section 3 of the Grape Crop Provisions and Texas Citrus Fruit Crop Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.138 and § 457.119 (January 29, 2016)

FAD-269 Nursery Crop Provisions 11(a)

Regarding the interpretation of section 11(a) of the Nursery Crop Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.162 (January 17, 2017)

FAD-263 Small Grains Crop Insurance Provisions

Regarding the interpretation of section 1 definition of “harvest” of the Small Grains Crop Insurance Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.101 (Jul 14, 2016)


FAD-247 Title 7 CFR part 400

Regarding the interpretation of 7 CFR, Part 400, subpart U as it relates to “Criteria for Reinstatement of Eligibility” published at 7 CFR §400.682 (November 27, 2015)

FAD-251 Title 7 CFR part 400

Regarding the interpretation of 7 CFR § 400.352(a) and (b)(4), as it applies to all legal claims directly or indirectly related to coverage, lack of coverage, and advice regarding extent of coverage available under a federal crop insurance policy. (December 17, 2015)

FAD-227 Basic Provisions 2(e)

Regarding the interpretation of section 2(e) of the Common Crop Insurance Basic Provisions, published at 7 C.F.R. § 457.8 (February 25, 2015)