There are two ways to obtain the research data: both require access through an Internet connection. Please read through each option below to decide which method best suits your needs. A signed SEER Research Data Agreement is required in both cases. You will be given a username and password within two business days of SEER receiving your signed research data agreement. This username and password may be used to access the data through either of these options.

You must use SEER*Stat in client-server mode in order to access U.S. mortality data, delay factors, and databases for calculating incidence-based mortality rates and multiple primaries-standardized mortality ratios (MP-SMRs).

Current SEER*Stat users may sign up for e-mail updates to receive advanced notice of software releases.

1. SEER*Stat's Client-Server Mode

Use SEER*Stat to access the data through your Internet connection. With this, you only need to download and install the current version of the SEER*Stat Installation program. You must be connected to the Internet while using SEER*Stat. Each time you execute an analysis, the parameters of your request will be transferred from your computer to the SEER*Stat server and the results will be transferred back to your computer. SEER*Stat's local and client-server modes are compared in SEER*Stat's help system.

2. Download Compressed Files

The username and password you receive from SEER is needed to download the files. The files are available in two formats. Please read the descriptions of both options before deciding which one you need.

  • Binary version of the data and the SEER*Stat software: Windows Executable (1.58 GB)External Web Site Policy (EXE)
    Download this file if you would like to use your computer system for data storage and processing. These binary data files can only be analyzed using the SEER*Stat software. To use this configuration, download the file, uncompress it, and install SEER*Stat on your local system. Storing the downloaded file and its uncompressed contents will consume approximately 4.25 gigabytes of disk capacity.
  • ASCII text version of the data: [Windows Executable (376 MB)External Web Site Policy (EXE) ] [ZIP (376 MB)External Web Site Policy (ZIP) ]
    Download this file if you would like to use your own programs to analyze the data in text format. You do not need to download these files if you are using SEER*Stat. SEER does not provide programming support for the analysis of these data. To use this configuration, download the file in the preferred format and uncompress it. File descriptions and documentation are included and are available online in Documentation for the ASCII Text Data Files. Storing the downloaded file and its uncompressed contents will consume approximately 3.81 gigabytes of disk capacity.
    • Recommended alternative to the ACSII text version: If you prefer to use SAS or another software tool to analyze the SEER data, we recommend using SEER*Stat's Case Listing sessions to export the data. It is easier to work with than the ASCII text files. For more information, see the SEER*Stat Tutorial: Exporting Data into SAS.

DVD via U.S. Mail is no longer an access option. If you have questions about the available options, please contact

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