Make suggestions, submit additions and corrections, or ask for help concerning Gene or Reference Sequence (RefSeq) records. See additional information: Gene Home Page, RefSeq Home Page.

Do not use this form to report a problem in PubMed or GenBank. Do not use this form to submit sequence data to NCBI.

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Questions and Suggestions

What records are you commenting on?

Enter species name(s), common name(s), or NCBI taxonomic ID(s).
Gene Symbol(s) or Name(s):
Enter symbols or names for all applicable genes.
Enter Gene ID(s) or RefSeq accession(s) if applicable.
PubMed ID(s):
Enter PubMed IDs of any supporting publications.

Contact information

We need this information to contact you with questions and status.

E-mail address:
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Please describe the update you are requesting

  • Please describe the data error, update request, or your question about RefSeq or Gene data in the box below. If you are asking about FTP files, please include the ftp site directory path and file name.
  • We also accept suggestions for Gene summaries.
    • Gene summary guidelines:
      • Summaries should be a single paragraph written in full, grammatical sentences and provide a brief overview of the gene function, avoiding acronyms or specialized terminology.
      • The text should be approximately 100 to 200 words (500 to 1000 characters) in length. Examples: OAZ3, BRCA1, APOE
      • The text should be original writing; i.e. not copied from an alternate public source, abstract or publication.
    • All user-submitted Gene summaries will be subject to curator review and may be modified as needed.
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