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New Jersey Water Science Center

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USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.

There is a USGS Water Science Center office in each State. Washington Oregon California Idaho Nevada Montana Wyoming Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Wisconsin Illinois Mississippi Michigan Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Pennsylvania West Virginia Georgia Florida Caribbean Alaska Hawaii New York Vermont New Hampshire Maine Massachusetts South Carolina North Carolina Rhode Island Virginia Connecticut New Jersey Maryland-Delaware-D.C.

Water Resources of New Jersey

Google Maps showing New Jersey

Welcome to the USGS New Jersey Water Science Center Web page. This is your direct link to water-resource information on New Jersey's rivers and streams, groundwater, water quality, and biology. Data collection and interpretive studies are done by the Center to support statewide water-resource infrastructure and management needs and are part of the USGS science strategy to address the water-resource priorities of the Nation and global trends in:

''Ecosystem status and change
''Climate variability and change
''Energy and mineral management
''National hazard risk and assessment
''Environmental risk to human health
''Water use and availability

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Mobile Information Center

USGS WaterAlert sends email or text messages when certain parameters measured by a USGS data-collection station exceed user-definable thresholds.

USGS WaterNow sends email or text messages of the most recent data from a chosen gaging station when an email or text is sent to

NJ Water Sciences

The USGS New Jersey Water Science Center monitors and analyzes surface-water, groundwater, water-quality, and biological parameters throughout the State. Data collection and interpretive studies are done in cooperation with various local, State, or Federal agencies.

Find out about the N.J. surface-water monitoring network

Surface Water

The USGS New Jersey Water Science Center provides real-time water-stage and streamflow data for more than 140 sites across the State. Flood prediction, stream low-flow characteristics, and surface-water-quality are currently being investigated as part of 28 studies.


The USGS New Jersey Water Science Center maintains a long-term water-level-monitoring network. Real-time water-level data are available for 22 of these wells. More than 30 groundwater investigations are underway to evaluate groundwater-supply and groundwater-quality issues.

Water Quality

The USGS New Jersey Water Science Center continuously monitors Water-quality conditions at 42 real-time sites across the State of New Jersey. Groundwater and Surface-water-quality issues are addressed in more than 30 current interpretive studies.


Interpretive studies based on periodic monitoring address aquatic-life impairments resulting from the impact of hydrologic stresses.

BioData - Aquatic Bioassessment Data for the Nation.

Highlighted Publications

The USGS New Jersey Water Science Center produces publications about water resources.

New Jersey StreamStats: A web application for streamflow statistics and basin characteristics

Publication Type: Fact Sheet

Documentation and hydrologic analysis of Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey, October 29–30, 2012

Publication Type: Scientific Investigations Report

Simulated effects of groundwater withdrawals from aquifers in Ocean County and vicinity, New Jersey

Publication Type: Scientific Investigations Report

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USGS Hazard Preparedness and Support

The USGS' robust monitoring networks provide the the fundamental information needed to accurately predict and characterize hazards, as well as information vital to response and recovery efforts.

Learn more about USGS Hazard Science  in New Jersey

USGS Deploys Storm-Tide Sensors in advance of Nor'Easter
March 2018

USGS Personnel deploying Storm-Tide Sensor in New Jersey

USGS field crews deployed storm-tide and wave sensors from Maine to Delaware to track and study a Nor’easter forecasted to begin March 2, 2018.

News Release




Featured Science

Hurricane Sandy: Support and Recovery

Graphic overview of the Hurricane




Hurricane Sandy made a variety of impacts along the highly populated northeastern Atlantic seaboard. Scientific information and the development of new tools helps communities recover and become more resilient in the future.

Sandy Science at the USGS

Hurricane Sandy

        USGS Flood Event Viewer

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 02-Mar-2018 14:41:44 EST