Due to a lapse in appropriations, the majority of USGS websites may not be up to date and may not reflect current conditions. Websites displaying real-time data, such as Earthquake and Water and information needed for public health and safety will be updated with limited support. Additionally, USGS will not be able to respond to inquiries until appropriations are enacted.  For more information, please see www.doi.gov/shutdown

New Mexico Water Science Center


Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Web page for the New Mexico Water Science Center; this is your direct link to water-resource information. This site provides data and information on New Mexico's rivers and streams, groundwater, water quality, and many other water-related topics.

Interactive Maps Delivering Current Streamflow Conditions

Interactive Maps Delivering Current Streamflow Conditions

The maps utilize zoom and pan to allow you to focus in on the water-monitoring sites that interest you. The maps show current streamflow as compared to historical records.

Visit the Sites

New Mexico Water Science Center Featured Project:

New Mexico Water Science Center Featured Project:

Post-Wildfire Investigation: Analysis of Soil Properties Based on Burn Severity

Project Info


Date published: June 15, 2018

USGS Response to Ute Park Fire

The New Mexico Water Science center has proactively installed three rain gages at two existing streamgages and one reservoir gage within and surrounding the Ute Park Fire burn area. The data will provide local, state, and federal entities as well as area residents with near real time information of precipitation in the area. 

Date published: March 8, 2017

Understanding Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Water Storage Option in the Pojoaque River Basin

In order to provide long-term storage of diverted surface water from the Rio Grande as part of the Aamodt water rights settlement, managed aquifer recharge by surface infiltration in Pojoaque River Basin arroyos was proposed as an option.

Date published: August 11, 2016

Discover Jemez Postwildfire Debris-Flow Hazards With the Click of a Mouse

A new interactive map and companion report from the U.S. Geological Survey allows residents living in and around New Mexico’s Jemez Mountains to see where they’re located in relation to postwildfire debris-flow hazards.


Year Published: 2019

Water-quality trends in U.S. rivers, 2002 to 2012: Relations to levels of concern

Effective management and protection of water resources relies upon understanding how water-quality conditions are changing over time. Water-quality trends for ammonia, chloride, nitrate, sulfate, total dissolved solids (TDS), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were assessed at 762 sites located in the conterminous United...

Shoda, Megan E.; Sprague, Lori A.; Murphy, Jennifer C.; Riskin, Melissa L.
Shoda, M.E., Sprague, L.A., Murphy, J.C., and Riskin, M.L., 2018, Water-quality trends in U.S. rivers, 2002 to 2012: Relations to levels of concern. Science of the Total Environment 650 (2019), p. 2314-2324. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.377

Year Published: 2018

Current research in land, water, and agroecosystems: ASABE journals 2017 year in review

This article highlights current research into land and water resources, agroecosystems, and agricultural production systems published by the Natural Resources and Environmental Systems (NRES) community of ASABE journals (Transactions of the ASABE and Applied Engineering in Agriculture) in 2017. This article reviews the context, scope, and key...

Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R.
Douglas-Mankin, K.R., 2018, Current Research in Land, Water, and Agroecosystems: ASABE Journals 2017 Year in Review, Transactions of the ASABE, 61(5).

Year Published: 2018

Thresholds and relations for soil‐hydraulic and soil‐physical properties as a function of burn severity 4 years after the 2011 Las Conchas Fire, New Mexico, USA

Wildfire effects on soil‐physical and ‐hydraulic properties as a function of burn severity are poorly characterized, especially several years after wildfire. A stratified random sampling approach was used in 2015 to sample seven sites representing a spectrum of remotely sensed burn severity in the area impacted by the 2011 Las Conchas Fire in New...

Ebel, Brian A.; Romero, Orlando C.; Martin, Deborah
Ebel, B.A., Romero, O.C., and Martin, D.A., 2018, Thresholds and relations for soil-hydraulic and soil-physical properties as a function of burn severity four years after the 2011 Las Conchas Fire, New Mexico, USA: Hydrological Processes, v. 32, p. 2263-2278, doi: 10.1002/hyp.13167.