Basic Features of Genome Workbench

Graphical View Image

Take a look at this video showing how you can get started using Genome Workbench.

Loading a Genome


This video shows how to load an entire genome into Genome Workbench and how to use the data.

Six Frame Translations

Six Frame Translation Video

This video shows how to display and interpret the six frame translations in Genome Workbench.

Search and View a Gene

Search and View a Gene video

Take a look at this video showing how you can search the NCBI databases for a gene and see it in Genome Workbench.

Move and Dock Windows

Moving and Docking Windows Video

Take a look at this video showing some of the basic functions you can do with Genome Workbench to configure it for your work flow. You can move and dock the various windows where ever they work best for you. You can create tab groups to save screen space and keeping all the tools available.

Phylogenetic Trees

Phylogenetic Tree Video Link

Take a look at this video showing a simple case of creating a phylogenetic tree with Genome Workbench. This example uses the MUSCLE alignment tool to create alignments for proteins found in the Collembola organism. This is a simple example, but you can imagine a more complex use.

Window Masker

Window Masker Video

Take a look at this video showing a simple use of Window Masker to remove repetitive portions of the sequence.

Export of Alignments

export of alignments

Take a look at this video showing how to import BAM files and export alignments.

Using ProSplign

Using ProSplign

Take a look at this video showing how to use ProSplign for Protein to Genomic Alignments.

Multiple Sequence Aligners in Genome Workbench

multiple sequence aligners

Take a look at this video showing how to use Multiple Sequence Aligners in Genome Workbench. You can also read the Multiple Sequence Aligners in Genome Workbench web manual.

Current Version is 2.12.10 (released August 20, 2018)

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Last updated: 2017-11-04T03:25:26Z