Graphical View Legend

This legend is used by both NCBI Sequence Viewer and NCBI Genome Workbench.

  1. Genetic Feature Rendering
  2. Gene Model Features
  3. Clone Placement Features
  4. SNP Features
  5. Structural Variants
  6. Segmental Duplications
  7. Alignments
  8. Sequence Track
  9. Segment Map
  10. Six Frame Translations
  11. Label Placement
  12. Histogram or Graph Rendering
  13. Trace Graph Rendering

1. Generic Feature Rendering

This section covers features that use generic feature rendering settings. The features (SNPs, structural variants, clone placements, and segmental duplications) that require special handling are covered in the later sections.

1.1 Feature Color Code

Feature Type Color Visual Examples
Miscellaneous features purple purple Example
Regulatory teal teal Example
Protein binding site red red Example
Recombination golden brown golden brown Example
Mobile genetic element blue blue Example
Repeat region blue blue Example
Mature peptide golden brown golden brown Example
Gene Green Green Example
RNA Purple Purple Example
Coding Region Red Red Example
All other features Black Black Example

1.2 Special Rendering Styles

For features with special attributes, special rendering will be applied.

1.2.1 Genes marked as pseudo

Settings Visual Effect Visual Examples
All features are shown in one gene group Stripes over green gene bar Stripes over green gene bar
Gene bar is hidden Green stripe background Green stripe background
Gene bar and gene label are hidden Green stripe background Green stripe background

1.2.2 Features with exception text

Exception Example Visual Effect Visual Examples
exception on RNA or CDS feature Shaded background Mismatch in transcription

1.2.3 Feature location marked as partial

Settings Visual Effect Visual Examples
Partial Start Black "<<" or ">>" at 5' end Partial Start
Partial Stop Black "<<" or ">>" at 3' end Partial End
Partial start and stop for internal fuzz on mRNAs/CDSs Black “<<” and “>>” at both ends Partial Start and Stop
Partial Start and Stop Black "<<" and ">>" at both ends Partial Start and Stop

1.2.4 Features marked as partial

Example Cases Visual Effect Visual Examples
Example includes a partial feature (marked as white "<<" and ">>") and features with partial stop (marked as black ">>") White "<<" and ">>" at both ends 1.2.4_1

1.3 Feature Decorations

Different feature decoration styles are solely for offering different ways of visualization. The exact same feature can be rendered using each of the five existing styles.

Decor Style Visual Effect Visual Examples
Default Solid bars for feature intervals or exons, and solid lines for introns Solid bars for feature intervals or exons, and solid lines for introns
Arrows Arrows at both ends showing the strand, and lighten bars for introns Arrows at both ends showing the strand, and lighten bars for introns
Square Anchor Square for feature start, arrow for feature stop, dash lines for introns Square for feature start, arrow for feature stop, dash lines for introns
Circle Anchor Circle for feature start, arrow for feature stop, dash lines for introns Circle for feature start, arrow for feature stop, dash lines for introns
Fancy Circle for mRNA start only, square for other features start except for gene and CDS, arrow for feature stop, lighten bars for mRNA introns, and canted lines for CDS introns Circle for mRNA start only, square for other features start except for gene and CDS, arrow for feature stop, lighten bars for mRNA introns, and canted lines for CDS introns
Note: the glyphs representing feature start and stop will be rendered only when their sizes can fit into the first and last intervals.

2. Gene Model Features

A Gene Model is a feature group that contains four main features: gene, mRNA, CDS and Exon. The group may also contain SNP and other features that are projected from mRNA and CDS products.

2.1 Gene Model Rendering

Rendering Options Visual Examples
Show All Show All
Show all transcripts and CDSs, no gene bar Show all transcripts and CDSs, no gene bar
Merge transcript and CDS pairs, no gene bar Merge transcript and CDS pairs, no gene bar
Merge all transcripts and CDSs, no gene bar Merge all transcripts and CDSs, no gene bar
Show on single line with exon structure Show on single line with exon structure
Gene bar only Gene bar only
With SNP features projected from mRNA and CDS products With SNP features projected from mRNA and CDS products
With other features projected from mRNA and CDS products With other features projected from mRNA and CDS products

2.2 Special Rendering for discrepancies between RefSeq annotated sequences and genomic sequences

Rendering for mismatches

Screenshot of special rendering for CDS features

Rendering for insertions and deletions

rendering for discrepancies between annotated refseq and genomic sequences

2.3 Feature Ruler

For a selected RNA or CDS feature, a feature ruler will be show with the feature's local coordinate.

Screenshot of feature ruller

3. Clone Placement Features

3.1 Communicated Attributes

Graphical renderings for all clone placement features convey following attributes:

  • Concordancy
  • Uniqueness
  • Clone end confidence
  • Directionality, and
  • Supporting evidence

3.2 Visual examples for the conveyed attribute

Attribute Possible Values Rendering Visual Example
Clone placement type End-seq only 2 arrows joined by line Clone placement, end-seq only
Insert only Single arrow Clone placement, insert only
Combined end-seq and insert 2 arrows joined by line or single arrow on yellow background Clone placement, combined
Clone placement, combined
Concordancy Concordant Color: Blue Clone with no end, plus strand
Discordant Color: Red Clone with no end, plus strand
Concordancy not set Color: Gray Clone with no end, plus strand
End-seq only clone placement uniqueness Unique Connecting Line: solid Unique, discordant, Real ends
Multiple Connecting Line: dotted Multiple, discordant, Real ends
Uniqueness not set Connecting line: dashed Multiple, discordant, Real ends
Clone end confidence Unique Fill: solid color Clone with no end, plus strand
Multiple Fill: vertical bars Multiple, Concordant not set, Real ends
Virtual Fill: empty Multiple, Concordant not set, Real ends
Other/Not set Fill: horizontal bars Multiple, Concordant not set, Real ends
Insert only clone placement uniqueness Unique Fill: solid color Insert only, unique
Multiple Fill: vertical bars Insert only, multiple
Other/not set Fill: horizontal bars Insert only, other
Directionality Forward or Backward Arrow

Clone with no end, plus strand

Clone with no end, plus strand

Supporting Evidence All non-prototype ends are ‘supporting’ With no shaded background Unique, concordant, Real ends
Single, no shade
Two arrows, yellow shade
Single arrow, yellow shade
Not all non-prototype ends are ‘supporting’ With shaded background Unique, Discordant, One virtual end
Single arrow, gray background
Two arrows, yellow gray background
Sinhle, gray yellow shade

3.3 Rendering examples for various attribute combinations

The rendering is able to handle any combination of the five attributes shown above. Below are some rendering examples with various attribute combination.

Display Description
Unique, concordant, Real ends Unique, concordant, unique ends
Unique, concordant, Real ends Multiple, concordant, one unique end, one multiple end
Unique, concordant, Real ends Uniqueness-not-set, concordant, one multiple end, one confidence-not-set end
Unique, concordant, Real ends Unique, concordant, one confidence-not-set end, one virtual end
Unique, discordant, Real ends Unique, discordant, unique ends
Unique, concordant, Real ends Multiple, discordant, one unique end, one multiple end
Unique, concordant, Real ends Uniqueness-not-set, discordant, one multiple end, one confidence-not-set end
Unique, concordant, Real ends Unique, discordant, one confidence-not-set end, one virtual end
Unique, Concordant not set, Real ends Unique, concordancy not set, unique ends
Unique, concordant, Real ends Multiple, concordancy not set, one unique end, one multiple end
Unique, concordant, Real ends Uniqueness-not-set, concordancy not set, one multiple end, one confidence-not-set end
Unique, concordant, Real ends Unique, concordancy not set, one confidence-not-set end, one virtual end
Unique, concordant, Real ends Multiple, discordant, one unique end, one multiple end, not all non-prototype ends are ‘supporting’
Unique, concordant, Real ends Uniqueness-not-set, concordancy not set, one multiple end, one confidence-not-set end, not all non-prototype ends are ‘supporting’
Unique, concordant, Real ends Unique, concordant, unique ends, not all non-prototype ends are ‘supporting’
Clone with no end, no strand Clone with no end, no strand, unique, concordancy not set
Clone with no end, plus strand Clone with no end, plus strand, unique, concordant
Clone with no end, no strand, multiple, concordant not set Clone with no end, no strand, multiple, concordancy not set
Clone with no end, plus strand, discordant, unique not set Clone with no end, plus strand, discordant, unique not set

4. SNP Features

4.1 Color Code

Variation Type Color
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Red
Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism Blue
Heterozygous Variation, undefined at nucleotide level Golden
Short Tandem Repeat (microsatellite) Polymorphism Yellow
Named Variation (insertion/deletion polymorphism of named repetitive element) Hunter Green
Sequence Scanned for Variation, but none observed Black
Mixed Variation (cluster contains submissions from 2 or more allelic classes) Green
MNP (multiple nucleotide polymorphism with alleles of common length > 1) Gray

4.1.1 Visual Examples

SNP insertion and deletion visual example

4.2 Shape Code

4.2.1 Weight indication

A SNP can be represented by either a hollow or a solid rectangle. A solid rectangle means that this particular SNP has a weight of 1, and a hollow rectangle indicates a weight of 2 or more.

Shape code

SNP Map weight info (the number of times a SNP maps to the genome contig (1-10))

1 hits genome once (on the same chromosome), annotated on NT_ contigs
2 hits genome twice, annotated on NT_ contigs with warning
3 hits genome 3-9 times, not annotated
10 hits 10+ times on genome, not annotated
(taken from SNP Documentation at )

4.2.2 Insertion or deletion indication

To aid in distinguishing insertions and deletions, the blue SNP rectangles have additional markers: Insertion

Insertions are marked with two hourglass-like triangles:

SNP insertion Deletion

Deletions are marked with a triangle pointing downwards:

SNP deletion

4.3 SNP Bins For Clinical Associations

Color Description
Light Green No SNPs in this bin have an allele marked "Probable Pathogenic" or "Pathogenic"
Light Purple At least one SNP in this bin has an allele marked "Probable Pathogenic"; none are "Pathogenic"
Purple At least one SNP in this bin has an allele marked "Pathogenic"
SNP Bins

4.4 SNP Bins for Association Results

The color represents the highest p-value in that bin.

p-Value Range Color
< 2 Teal
2-3 Sky Blue
3-4 Blue
4-5 Green
5-6 Yellow
6-7 Orange
> 7 Red
The scatter plot above the bins reflects individual p-Values. Both the color (which uses the same coloring scheme) and the dot's location on the Y axis correspond to the p-Value.

SNP Bins for association results

5. Structural Variants

5.1 Common Rendering

There are four common scenarios for most variants (either SVs or SSVs) as shown in the table below. However, mixed cases with a defined breakpoint at one end and an undefined breakpoint range at the other end are possible as well. Here, we use (CNV SV) as examples:

Breakpoint Type Rendering Visual Example
With breakpoint resolution Fully saturated color With defined breakpoint range
With defined breakpoint range Transparent color for breakpoint ranges 5.1.2
With undefined breakpoint, but known outer bound Triangles pointing toward each other Defined breakpoint
With undefined breakpoint, but known inner bound Triangles pointing away from each other With defined breakpoint range

5.2 Variant Call Types (SSV) and Region Types (SV)

Type Comment Visual Example
Copy number variation

Color: violet

Four common cases, plus

CNV with length of deletion


Copy number gain or Duplication

Color: blue

(Gain SSV)

Copy number loss or Deletion

Color: red

The last one is a loss variant with length of deletion

(Loss SSV)

Mobile element insertion or Novel sequence insertion

Color: blue

(Insertion SV or SSV)

Tandem duplication

Color: deep brown

(Eversion SV or SSV)


Color: light violet

(Inversion SV or SSV)


Color: light indigo with pattern

(Translocation SV or SSV)


Color: light azure

(Complex SSV)

Insertion/Deletion or Indel Color: red Insert or delete indel

Color: grey

(Unknown SV or SSV)


  1. SV region type “Copy number variation” can only have children of SSV Types “Copy number gain” and/or “Copy number loss” - in any combination. If all child SSV of a given SV are copy number gain or copy number loss, then the SV will be colored with the same way as the children are colored, blue for gain and red for loss, respectively. If the children are a mix of these two types, then the SV will be colored as violet.
  2. SV Type “Complex” can have either:

  3. children all of SSV Type “Complex,” or

  4. children of two or more SSV Types, in any combination (except “Copy number gain” and “Copy number loss,” which are covered above)

5.3. Rendering Styles for Linked Structural Variants Group

5.3.1 Default rendering with both parent and children shown

Default rendering example

5.3.2 Rendering with supporting variants in a packed form

If there are multiple types in the supporting variants, multiple colors will be used to reflect the corresponding allele type.

Rendering with supporting variants in a packed form Click and select the packed feature bar to show all the supporting variants.

Rendering with supporting variants

5.3.3 Superimpose all supporting variants over the parent variant

The supporting variants are superimposed on top of the parent variant with the shortest variants on the top. The colors reflect the corresponding allele type.

Superimpose all supporting variants over the parent variant

Click and select the packed feature bar to show all variants.

Expanded superimpose all supporting variants over the parent variant

5.4. Interactive Visualization of Variant Region Child Calls

Set Rendering options of the variation tab of the Configure dialog as "Show parent, Expand children upon a click".

Set rendering options

Sequence Viewer will show a plus sign with the number of child tracks for each parent track.

Parent track

Click on the plus sign, and Sequence Viewer will show all the child tracks and display the minus sign instead of plus at the parent track.

Expanded child tracks

Click on the minus sign to collapse the child tracks again.

6. Segmental Duplications

Identity Attribute Color Example
> 99.0 Orange Orange
> 98.0 Yellow ellow
> 90.0 Grey Grey
<= 90.0 Black Black

7. Alignments

7.1 Alignment in Different Mode

7.1.1 With Score Coloration Disabled

Alignment with Score Coloration Disabled example

7.1.2 With Score Coloration Enabled

Alignment with Score Coloration Enabled example

7.2 Alignment Score Coloration

There are four possible aligned-types: match, mismatch, gap (deletion), and insertion. The visual representations for all four different glyphs are illustrated in the table blow, and as well as in the screenshots.

Align-type Zoomed-out View Zoomed-in View
Match Grey bar Grey background
Mismatch Red vertical bar Red background
Gap Red thin horizontal bar Red thin horizontal bar
Insertion Blue vertical bar Blue hourglass with a bar on both top and bottom proportional to insertion bases
Score Coloration example

7.3 Non-consensus splice site

Non-consensus splice site example

7.4 Unaligned regions

7.4.1 Unaligned tails

The numbers on the side of the box show the number of unaligned bases.

Unaligned Tail Type Visual Examples
PolyA PolyA example
Other Other tail

Display Option Visual Examples
Hide tails hide tails
Show tail length show tail length
Show tail sequence show tail sequence

The unaligned sequence is displayed with pink background.

7.4.2 Internal unaligned regions

The internal unaligned region is rendered with dashed line, showing the number of unaligned bases.

Visual Example
hide tails

7.5 Mate Pair Alignment

Mate Pair Alignment

Display Option value Description Default
LinkMatePairAligns true/false The option clusters the mate-pair reads and connects them with a dotted line false

7.6 Multi-alignment


7.7 Smeared Alignment

Smeared Alignment

7.8 Alignment statistics

This option displays statistics at a given base position across all related alignments that have coverage at that base. The statistics include individual counts for A, G, T, C and Gap. Several other statistics can be derived with a known reference sequence base, including: matches, mismatches and total alignment count. There are eight different combinations of rendering with these three settings: Content (A/T/G/C/Gaps or Matches/Mismatches/Gaps), Data type (Count or Percentage), and Display (Bar graph or Smear table). Here are several examples.

7.8.1 Zoomed-out view of a bar graph with match/mismatch/gap count

Zoomed-out view of a bar graph with match/mismatch/gap count

7.8.2 Zoomed-in view of a smear table with A/G/T/C/Gap count

Zoomed-in view of a smear table with A/G/T/C/Gap count

7.8.3 Zoomed-in view of a bar graph with A/G/T/C/Gap count

Zoomed-in view of a bar graph with A/G/T/C/Gap count

7.9 PCR duplicates and failed chastity reads

Deep-targeted sequencing data can contain PCR duplicates, inflating perceived read depth.

Data can also contain failed chastity reads.

7.9.1 PCR duplicates

Zoomed-in view of a bar graph with A/G/T/C/Gap count

7.9.2 Failed chastity reads

Zoomed-in view of a bar graph with A/G/T/C/Gap count

8. Sequence Track

The grey bar represents the sequence track in zoomed-out view

Grey bar

In zoomed-in view, both original sequence (top) and the complementary sequence (bottom) are shown.

Zoomed in grey bar

8.1 Restriction sites

Each restriction site is shown as a green triangle right below the gray sequence bar at the corresponding site position. Sample molecule: MAP_000012.1

View Visual Example
Zoomed-out view histogram
Zoomed-in view with tooltip popped up (if mouse hovering over the site) Smear Bar

8.2 Restriction sites on feature tracks

Each restriction site's interval is displayed as a bar (with strand indication) . Each cut point is displayed as a marker (triangle). The cut markers are hidden if too small (depending on the zoom level). When the restriction site is selected, the location of the cut points is indicated with a "hairline".

View Visual Example
Restriction site (zoomed in) Restriction site zoomed in
Restriction site (selected, zoomed in) Restriction site zoomed in selected
Restriction site (selected, zoomed out) Restriction site zoomed out selected

9. Segment Map

Depending on the sequence type, a sequence may have scaffold (contig) map, and/or tiling path (component map).

9.1 Segment Color Code

Segment Type Finished Draft WGS Other Gap
Color Blue Orange Green Grey Black

9.2 Scaffold Map Example

Scaffold Map Example

9.3 Tiling Path (Component Map) Example

Tiling Path (Component Map) Example

If the map has only grey segments without overlap shown as in previous picture it can mean the zoom level is too low and the map contains too many segments. Try to zoom in to get more detailed picture.

10. Six Frame Translations

Six Frame Translations

11. Label Placement

There are four global options regarding label placement: default, side label, top label, and no label. 'Default' may mean different settings for different objects. For example, default label placement for alignments is top labeling, but default setting for features is side labeling.

11.1 Side Label vs. Strand

In side labeling mode, the label is always placed at object's 5' side.

11.2 Examples

Label Placement Visual Example
Default Alignment (top):Top label placement
Component (inside):Inside label placement
Features (side):Side label placement
Side Label Side label
Top Label Top label
No Label No label

12. Histogram or Graph Rendering

Histogram or Graph representation is used to visualize feature density map at a zoomed-out view or coverage graph data that are one value per base or multiple bases. There are three different types of rendering styles: histogram, smear bar and line graph. Please note: both the color and graph height are configurable.

Rendering Style Visual Example
Histogram histogram
Smear Bar Smear Bar
Line Graph Line Graph

Some Histograms or Line Graphs have a high dynamic range that makes the data hard to interpret. To make sense of these, outliers can be expressed in terms of standard deviation of the data and, if clipping is on, removed from the data and rendered in a different color (default – red).

Scale Visual Example
Linear histogram
Linear with outlier clipping Smear Bar
Logarithmic Line Graph

13. Trace Graph Rendering

Rendering Options Visual Example
Default histogram
With confidence graph Smear Bar
Intensity bands Line Graph

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Last updated: 2018-06-04T21:31:40Z