
A nurse talking to a woman on a couch with paperwork.

Find resources, tips, guidance, and more in these toolkits designed for community health workers, pharmacists, employers, health professionals, and program leaders.

CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) developed toolkits for state health departments, community health workers (CHWs), pharmacists, health care professionals, and employers. The toolkits include policy guidelines, training and educational resources, and successful strategies for heart disease and stroke prevention.

Cardiac Rehabilitation Change Package (CRCP)External
The Million Hearts® CRCP is a quality improvement tool. It can help teams from hospitals and cardiac rehabilitation programs put systems and strategies in place that target improved care for eligible patients. The CRCP presents a listing of process improvements and includes change concepts, change ideas, tools, and resources.

Community Health Worker (CHW) Toolkit
This toolkit provides resources for state health departments to train and support CHWs in their communities. CHWs can also benefit from the training resources and lessons learned from other programs.

Pharmacy Resources
Pharmacists can use these resources and tools to help improve patient care. Public health professionals can learn about effective strategies to partner with pharmacists.

Collaborative Practice Agreements (CPA) Toolkit

Employers Toolkit
The Successful Business Strategies to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke Toolkit highlights the cost benefits and effectiveness of approaches that employers can take to improve their employees’ health and prevent heart disease and stroke.

Sodium Reduction Toolkits

WISEWOMAN Program Evaluation Toolkit
This evaluation toolkit was developed to provide guidance, tools, and resources to Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for WOMen Across the Nation (WISEWOMAN) programs.