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Program Funding: CDC’s HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STI, and TB Prevention

CDC’s programs that prevent and control HIV, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and tuberculosis protect the nation and help Americans lead healthier and longer lives.

CDC uses the results of high quality research to identify and give funding priority to interventions that are proven to work and are cost-effective and when implemented on a scale will achieve the greatest impact.

CDC’s laboratories advance the use of vital discoveries and cutting-edge technology to support state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments as they respond to disease outbreaks. Further, CDC provides financial assistance and assigns federal employees with on-the-ground experience to the field to reduce new HIV, viral hepatitis, STD, and tuberculosis infections, link those who test positive to care and treatment, and prevent death. CDC works to decrease health disparities while preventing infections throughout the nation, and helps to keep teens healthy by educating them on avoiding risky behavior.

Learn more about the ways in which CDC’s HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STI, and TB prevention saves lives and saves money.


  • For every $1 CDC spent on HIV testing through the Expanded Testing Initiative, an estimated $2 was saved in direct medical costs.

  • Over the past 15 years, public health prevention programs prevented 5.7 million cases of gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, and 3,500 cases of STI-attributable HIV, saving $1.3 billion in lifetime medical costs.

  • Between 1995 and 2014, U.S. TB control efforts prevented as many as 319,000 cases and saved up to $14.5 billion in costs to society.