Bureau of Competition

The FTC’s Bureau of Competition enforces the nation's antitrust laws, which form the foundation of our free market economy. The antitrust laws promote the interests of consumers; they support unfettered markets and result in lower prices and more choices.


Premerger Notification

Certain large mergers and acquisitions must notify the government and wait for government review. The FTC administers the premerger notification program, and its staff members are available to answer questions about HSR forms. The FTC also provides daily updates of deals that receive early termination.

Director's Report - Spring 2016

Read about the work of the Bureau's nearly 300 lawyers and support staff in this report.

Additional Information

Competition in Health Care Markets

Competition in health care markets benefits consumers by helping contain costs, improve quality, and encourage innovation. Read more about the FTC’s efforts to promote competition in health care markets.

Monitoring Energy Markets

The energy industry plays a crucial role in our economy. The FTC devotes significant resources to monitoring energy markets, and takes action to stop or prevent anticompetitive mergers and conduct that could raise energy prices.

Competition Enforcement Stats

The Bureau maintains statistics on the FTC’s competition enforcement actions involving anticompetitive mergers and conduct. To find FTC cases, use the improved Search function with new drop-down menus and keyword searching.