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Cover of the November issue November
Volume 8: No.6
Conducting Community Audits to Evaluate Community Resources for Healthful Lifestyle Behaviors: An Illustration From Rural Eastern North Carolina; From Evidence-Based Medicine to Evidence-Based Health: the Example of Asthma; Feasibility of an Evidence-Based Weight Loss Intervention for a Faith-Based, Rural, African American Population.
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Cover of the July issue July
Volume 8: No.4
The role of state health departments in supporting community-based obesity prevention; Effect of school district policy change on consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages among high school students, Boston, Massachusetts, 2004-2006; Risks to health among American Indian/Alaska Native high school students in the United States.
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Cover of the March issue March
Volume 8: No.2
Preventing Chronic Disease: moving forward in 2011; Features and initial assessment of the Italian Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (PASSI), 2007-2008; Moving multiunit housing providers toward adoption of smoke-free policies.
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Cover of the September issue September
Volume 8: No.5
State requirements and recommendations for school-based screenings for body mass index or body composition, 2010; Using a concept map as a tool for strategic planning: The Healthy Brain Initiative; A midpoint process evaluation of the Los Angeles Basin Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health Across the US (REACH US) Disparities Center, 2007-2009.
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Cover of the May issue May
Volume 8: No.3
Effect of variable energy served on 24-hour energy intake in 16 preschools, Chicago, Illinois, 2007; Physical activity, watching television, and the risk of obesity in students, Texas, 2004-2005; Adolescent girls’ weight-related family environments, Minnesota.
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Cover of the January issue January
Volume 8: No.1
Preventing Chronic Disease: moving forward in 2011; Features and initial assessment of the Italian Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (PASSI), 2007-2008; Moving multiunit housing providers toward adoption of smoke-free policies.
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Cover of the November issue November
Volume 7: No.6
Focusing on solid partnerships across multiple sectors for population health improvement; Quality of systematic reviews of observational nontherapeutic studies; Making room for mental health in the medical home; Special focus on Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (MATCH).
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Cover of the July issue July
Volume 7: No.4
Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (MATCH): metrics, incentives, and partnerships for population health (Includes interview podcast), Using metrics to improve population health The potential of black radio to disseminate health messages and reduce disparities. Special focus on MATCH.
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Cover of the March issue March
Volume 7: No.2
New in PCD: Post your comment through our online forum at PCD Dialogue, Designing competencies for chronic disease practice, The GirlStars program: challenges to recruitment and retention in a physical activity and health education program for adolescent girls living in public housing. Special focus on health communications.
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Cover of the September issue September
Volume 7: No.5
Can incentives improve population health? An interview with Bridget Booske, PhD (podcast); Cost-effectiveness analysis of efforts to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in southwestern Pennsylvania, 2005-2007; Achieving a high response rate with a health care provider survey, Washington State, 2006. Special focus on Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (MATCH).
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Cover of the May issue May
Volume 7: No.3
New in PCD: Post your comment through our online forum at PCD Dialogue, Institutional policy changes aimed at addressing obesity among mental health clients, Strategies for and barriers to managing weight when eating at restaurants. Special focus on the components of health and well-being.
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Cover of the January issue January
Volume 7: No.1
Editor in Chief Sam Posner on implementing the vision and moving forward at PCD, Worksite health promotion: principles, resources, and challenges, Chloropleth map design for cancer incidence, PCD thanks this year’s reviewers. Special focus on mental health.
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Cover of the October issue October
Volume 6: No. 4
Jim Marks on epidemiology, public health, and public policy, Disentangling the risks associated with weight status, diet, and physical activity, Monitoring prehospital stroke care in Utah to assess the feasibility of using EMS data for surveillance. Special focus on comprehensive cancer control.
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Cover of the April issue April
Volume 6: No.2
Interviews with Gene Matthews and Michael Eriksen, AARP and private-sector collaboration, Development of a community-wide cardiovascular risk reduction assessment tool for small rural employers in upstate New York. Special focus on public-private partnerships.
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Cover of the July issue July
Volume 6: No. 3
Chronic disease prevention and control: coming of age at CDC, Design and dissemination of the MOVE! weight-management program for veterans, A socioeconomic analysis of obesity and diabetes. Special focus on childhood obesity.
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Cover of the January issue January
Volume 6: No.1
Child care as an untapped setting for obesity prevention, A promotora de salud model for addressing cardiovascular disease risk factors in the US-Mexico border region, Workplace health promotion in Washington State. Special focus on tools for public health practice.
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Cover of the October issue October
Volume 5: No. 4
Lessons Learned From a Binational Survey to Examine Women’s Health Status in the US-Mexico Border Region, Reproductive Health Surveillance in the US-Mexico Border Region, Improving Ways to Generate and Use Local Data to Create and Strengthen Binational Programs.
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Cover of the April issue April
Volume 5: No.2
Minnesota emergency response for acute stroke, Cancer control planning in the South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency, Tools for developing, implementing, and evaluating state policy. Special focus on heart disease and stroke prevention.
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Cover of the July issue July
Volume 5: No. 3
Peer groupings in county health data, Stress and diabetes in American Samoa, Safe school routes and community benefits. Special focus on healthy behaviors.
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Cover of January issue January
Volume 5: No.1
End of life preparation, Disaster preparedness and older adults, Clinical preventive services through community collaboration. Special focus on the health of older adults.
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Cover of the October issue October
Volume 4: No. 4
Obesity research in African American communities, Topography of poverty, Strategies for physical activity among special populations. Special focus on the social determinants of health.
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Cover of the April issue April
Volume 4: No.2
Filipino child health, Integration of chronic disease programs, Book review: What to Eat. Special focus on global health.
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Cover of the July issue July
Volume 4: No. 3
Virtual community health promotion, Poverty and health in rural Mississippi, Lay health advisors and chronic kidney disease. Special focus on community wellness.
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Cover of the January issue January
Volume 4: No.1
Population attributable fraction, State diabetes prevention and control, The Healthy Diabetes Plate. Special focus on the Coordinating Center for Health Promotion at the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control.
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Cover of the October issue October
Volume 3: No. 4
Worksite program for parents of teens, Tooth loss after smoking cessation, Great Lakes regional stroke network. Special focus on Appalachian health.
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Cover of the April issue April
Volume 3: No.2
The Carter Center Mental Health Program, Chronic kidney disease, Logic model for mental health and chronic disease prevention, Chronic disease in health emergencies, Cancer coalitions in rural Appalachia, Adult television-viewing characteristics. Special focus on mental health.
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Cover of the July issue July
Volume 3: No. 3
Community Voices: Cherokee Choices, Community Voices: Wellness Village, Community Voices: Change for Life/Cambia tu vida, Community Voices: Videos on community health. Special focus on community health.
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Cover of the January issue January
Volume 3: No.1
Role of race, ethnicity, and linguistic isolation in survey participation; Barriers to diabetes self-management education in rural Arkansas; Monitoring nutrition and physical activity programs. Special focus on program evaluation.
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Cover of the November issue November
Volume 2: Special Issue
High school nutrition in Maine; Public health and Medicaid collaboration in Oregon; Geocoding and social marketing in Alabama. Special focus on health education.
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Cover of the July issue July
Volume 2: No. 3
Cancer screenings and vaccinations among older adults; Tracking healthy days among older adults; Chronic conditions among older Mexican American couples. Special focus on healthy aging.
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Cover of the January issue January
Volume 2: No.1
Diabetes outreach and education at the border; Community health coalitions; Effectiveness of a community-based program. Special focus on United States-Mexico border health.
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Cover of the October issue October
Volume 2: No. 4
Randomized trials and working-class samples; Diabetes assessment in American Indians; Walking for transportation in the United States. Special focus on health disparities.
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Cover of the April issue April
Volume 2: No.2
Public health workforce training; Chronic Disease Conference featured abstracts; Genomics content in state health programs. Special focus on genomics.
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Cover of the October issue October
Volume 1: No. 4
Latinas and cervical cancer; Elders' attitudes on physical activity; Complementary therapies and arthritis. Special focus on technology.
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Cover of the July issue July
Volume 1: No. 3
VERB campaign and youth physical activity; Worksite heart attack awareness; Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption; Recruiting participants into a cancer trial.
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Cover of the April issue April
Volume 1: No.2
Part 2 of law in public health; Featured abstracts from the 2004 Chronic Disease Prevention Conference; Community model for skin cancer prevention; Pediatric hospitalizations for asthma.
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Cover of the January issue January
Volume 1: No.1
School health; Nutrition and homebound elders; Health interventions engaging communities of color; Part 1 of law in public health.
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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions.